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Why is the trust score of high?

The website appears to be the official website of a person named Halimeh Sarhani Keneh. The site emphasizes the importance of verifying its authenticity through the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. It also provides guidance on how to verify its official status through a specific logo and link. The site mentions that it is the only official website and that it does not have Instagram or WhatsApp pages, only an official Telegram channel. It also explains the purpose of creating an official website registered with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, which is to combat fraudulent activities and provide a reliable platform for communication and guidance. The site also lists various types of fraudulent activities that have been associated with the name of Halimeh Sarhani Keneh and advises visitors to be cautious and only engage with the official channels. It also provides a specific Telegram channel for communication and emphasizes that all consultations and guidance through this channel are free of charge. Additionally, the site addresses specific concerns related to rituals and ceremonies, such as the “zaar” ritual, and advises against engaging in such practices without proper understanding and caution. Overall, the website aims to establish its credibility and provide a reliable platform for communication and guidance, especially in light of potential fraudulent activities associated with the name of Halimeh Sarhani Keneh.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website of Halimeh Sarhani Keneh, Emphasizes the importance of verifying its authenticity through the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Provides guidance on how to verify its official status through a specific logo and link, Mentions that it is the only official website and that it does not have Instagram or WhatsApp pages, only an official Telegram channel, Explains the purpose of creating an official website registered with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Lists various types of fraudulent activities that have been associated with the name of Halimeh Sarhani Keneh and advises visitors to be cautious and only engage with the official channels, Provides a specific Telegram channel for communication and emphasizes that all consultations and guidance through this channel are free of charge, Addresses specific concerns related to rituals and ceremonies, such as the "zaar" ritual, and advises against engaging in such practices without proper understanding and caution, Aims to establish its credibility and provide a reliable platform for communication and guidance, especially in light of potential fraudulent activities associated with the name of Halimeh Sarhani Keneh
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