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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the services it offers raise several red flags:

1. Offering to sell academic degrees: Legitimate educational institutions do not sell degrees, and obtaining a degree through fraudulent means is illegal and unethical.

2. Lack of verifiable accreditation: The website claims to provide accredited degrees, but there is no verifiable information about the accreditation or recognition of these degrees by legitimate educational authorities.

3. Promising immediate and guaranteed degree acquisition: Legitimate academic programs require time and effort to complete, and there are no guarantees of obtaining a degree without fulfilling the necessary academic requirements.

4. Use of multiple domain names and subdomains: The use of multiple domain names and subdomains, especially with variations like ‘’ and ‘,’ can be a tactic used by fraudulent websites to evade detection and create a false sense of legitimacy.

5. Lack of transparency and contact information: Legitimate educational institutions provide clear and verifiable contact information, including physical addresses and official email domains. The website’s use of generic email addresses and lack of detailed contact information is suspicious.

6. Inconsistent and unprofessional language: The website’s content contains inconsistent and unprofessional language, which is not typical of official educational institutions.

7. High risk of legal and ethical consequences: Purchasing or using a fraudulent degree can have severe legal and ethical consequences, including damage to one’s reputation and potential legal action by authorities or affected parties.

It’s important to exercise extreme caution and avoid engaging with websites or services that offer to sell academic degrees, especially with promises of immediate and guaranteed acquisition. It’s advisable to pursue legitimate educational paths through accredited institutions and to be wary of any offers that seem too good to be true.”

the reasons behind this review :
Offering to sell academic degrees, Lack of verifiable accreditation, Promising immediate and guaranteed degree acquisition, Use of multiple domain names and subdomains, Lack of transparency and contact information, Inconsistent and unprofessional language, High risk of legal and ethical consequences
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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