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Why is the trust score of low?

The website appears to be a platform for group buying of educational courses and materials. It explains the concept of ‘skladchina,’ which is a way for people to collectively purchase information products, such as online courses and e-books, at a lower cost. The site seems to serve as a marketplace where organizers and buyers can come together for these group purchases. The platform is described as beneficial for both buyers and sellers, as it allows for cost savings and wider access to educational content. The site provides information on how the process works, the benefits of participating, and how to become a part of these group purchases. It also seems to offer guidance on reserving and buying the information products through this collective purchasing model. Overall, the website seems to be a legitimate platform for facilitating group purchases of educational materials, particularly in the form of online courses and digital resources.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website provides information about the concept of 'skladchina,' which is a way for people to collectively purchase information products, such as online courses and e-books, at a lower cost. It serves as a marketplace where organizers and buyers can come together for these group purchases. The platform is described as beneficial for both buyers and sellers, as it allows for cost savings and wider access to educational content. The site provides information on how the process works, the benefits of participating, and how to become a part of these group purchases. It also offers guidance on reserving and buying the information products through this collective purchasing model. Overall, the website seems to be a legitimate platform for facilitating group purchases of educational materials, particularly in the form of online courses and digital resources.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

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