rxbet.com Reviews
is rxbet.com legitimate or a scam?Why is the trust score of rxbet.com very high?
https://rxbet.com redirected to https//www.rxbet.com during the time we crawled it. The website rxbet.com appears to be a domain name for sale. The content on the site indicates that the domain rxbet.com is available for purchase, and it provides a means for potential buyers to inquire about the sale. The site mentions that the domain is available for USD 45,000, and it offers a secure transaction process through Efty Pay. Efty Pay is described as providing secure domain transfers with expert guidance and is covered by a transaction assurance program. The site also mentions that the domain has been registered for 17 years and 1 month. The SSL certificate for the site is issued by Let’s Encrypt, a widely used certificate authority for securing websites. The site’s server is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and is associated with Signet B.V., an internet service provider. The information provided suggests that the website is a legitimate platform for selling the domain name rxbet.com. However, as with any online transaction, it’s important for potential buyers to exercise caution and conduct due diligence before making a purchase. This may include verifying the legitimacy of the seller, the terms of the sale, and the security of the transaction process. Additionally, potential buyers should consider the value of the domain to their specific needs and conduct a thorough assessment of its potential for their intended use.”
the reasons behind this review :
The website rxbet.com appears to be a domain name for sale. The content on the site indicates that the domain rxbet.com is available for purchase, and it provides a means for potential buyers to inquire about the sale. The site mentions that the domain is available for USD 45,000, and it offers a secure transaction process through Efty Pay. Efty Pay is described as providing secure domain transfers with expert guidance and is covered by a transaction assurance program. The site also mentions that the domain has been registered for 17 years and 1 month. The SSL certificate for the site is issued by Let's Encrypt, a widely used certificate authority for securing websites. The site's server is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and is associated with Signet B.V., an internet service provider. The information provided suggests that the website is a legitimate platform for selling the domain name rxbet.com. However, as with any online transaction, it's important for potential buyers to exercise caution and conduct due diligence before making a purchase. This may include verifying the legitimacy of the seller, the terms of the sale, and the security of the transaction process. Additionally, potential buyers should consider the value of the domain to their specific needs and conduct a thorough assessment of its potential for their intended use.
Positive Points | Negative Points |
Website content is accessible No spelling or grammatical errors in site content High review rate by AI Domain Age is quite old Archive Age is quite old | Whois data is hidden |
How much trust do people have in rxbet.com?
Domain age :
17 years and 1 months and 2 days
WHOIS Data Status :
Website :
Title :
rxbet.com domain name is for sale. Inquire now.
Description :
rxbet.com is available for purchase. Get in touch to discuss the possibilities!
Website Rank :
Age of Archive :
20 year(s) 0 month(s) 10 day(s)
SSL certificate valid :
SSL Status :
Low - Domain Validated Certificates (DV SSL)
SSL issuer :
Let's Encrypt
WHOIS registration date :
WHOIS last update date :
WHOIS Renewal Date :
Organization :
Domains By Proxy, LLC
State/Province :
Country :
Phone :
Email :
Select Contact Domain Holder link at https://www.godaddy.com/whois/results.aspx?domain=rxbet.com
IP :
ISP : AS20857 Signet B.V.
Country : NL
Name :
GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registrar Website :
Phone :
Email :
Target : ns1.eftydns.com
IP :
ISP : AS20857 Signet B.V.
Country : NL
Target : ns2.eftydns.com
IP :
ISP : AS20857 Signet B.V.
Country : NL
This website was last scanned on December 9, 2024

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