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RemoteView is a legitimate remote control software developed by RSUPPORT Co., Ltd. It allows users to access and control remote devices such as computers and mobile devices from a different location. The software is commonly used for technical support, IT management, and remote collaboration.

Key Features:

1. Remote Control: Users can take control of a remote device as if they were physically present, allowing for troubleshooting, software installation, and other tasks.
2. File Transfer: RemoteView enables the transfer of files between the local and remote devices, facilitating data exchange.
3. Multi-Platform Support: The software is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
4. Secure Connection: RemoteView uses encryption and secure authentication to protect the remote connection from unauthorized access.
5. Real-Time Communication: Users can communicate with the remote device’s user through chat or voice call during the remote session.


RemoteView offers different pricing plans based on the number of concurrent support sessions and additional features. The company provides a free trial for new users to test the software’s capabilities.

Use Cases:

1. IT Support: RemoteView is commonly used by IT professionals to troubleshoot technical issues on remote computers and provide support to end-users.
2. Remote Work: With the increasing trend of remote work, RemoteView can be used to access office computers from home or other locations.
3. Training and Collaboration: The software facilitates remote training sessions and collaborative work by allowing multiple users to view and control a remote device simultaneously.
4. Device Management: RemoteView can be used to manage and monitor a large number of devices, making it useful for organizations with distributed IT infrastructure.

Security and Privacy:

As with any remote control software, security and privacy are important considerations. RemoteView employs encryption and secure authentication to protect the remote connections. Users should follow best practices for secure remote access, such as using strong passwords and keeping the software updated.

It’s important to note that while RemoteView itself is a legitimate and widely used remote control solution, scammers may attempt to impersonate legitimate support personnel or use the software for fraudulent purposes. Users should exercise caution and verify the identity of anyone requesting remote access to their devices.

In summary, RemoteView by RSUPPORT Co., Ltd. is a reputable remote control software with various features for remote access and support. It is commonly used in IT, technical support, and remote work scenarios. Users should ensure they use the software responsibly and follow security best practices to protect their devices and data.”

the reasons behind this review :
Legitimate remote control software, Developed by RSUPPORT Co., Ltd., Used for technical support and remote access, Features include remote control, file transfer, and multi-platform support, Offers different pricing plans and a free trial, Commonly used in IT support, remote work, training, and device management, Emphasizes security and encryption for remote connections, Users should be cautious of potential impersonation or misuse by scammers
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point