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The website appears to be a privacy policy page for a company called Samoukale, Ltd. The content is focused on privacy practices and data collection methods. It mentions that the company does not collect personally identifiable information (PII) through its services and provides details about the collection of non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) for the purpose of delivering tailored ads to users on participating websites. The use of cookies and pixels for tracking user behavior is also described. The privacy policy emphasizes the commitment to protecting user data and outlines the disclosure of information to third parties, user choice, information security measures, and data transfer policies. It also addresses the use of cookies for analyzing user trends on the corporate website and provides instructions for opting out of interest-based advertising. The policy states that personally identifiable information collected through the corporate website will not be shared with third parties without consent. It also mentions the storage and processing of data in the United States or other countries where the company or its affiliates have facilities. The policy includes information about the company’s compliance with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S.-Swiss Safe Harbor Framework, as well as its commitment to resolving privacy complaints. Contact information for privacy-related inquiries and requests for opting out of marketing emails is provided. The website also includes links to the Safe Harbor program and the BBB EU Safe Harbor for further information and complaint resolution. Overall, the content of the privacy policy seems to be comprehensive and transparent about the company’s data collection and privacy practices. It addresses key aspects of privacy protection, data usage, and user rights, which are important considerations for online users concerned about their personal information and online privacy.”

the reasons behind this review :
Comprehensive Privacy Policy, Emphasis on Data Protection, Description of Data Collection Methods, Use of Cookies and Pixels for Tracking, User Choice and Opt-Out Information, Commitment to Safe Harbor Framework Compliance, Information about Data Storage and Processing, Transparency about Data Sharing and Third Parties, Contact Information for Privacy Inquiries and Opt-Out Requests, Links to Safe Harbor Program and BBB EU Safe Harbor, Emphasis on Resolving Privacy Complaints
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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