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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website ‘’ appears to be related to a specific online gaming server, likely for the game ‘Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’ (GTA:SA) and the associated multiplayer mod ‘Multi Theft Auto’ (MTA). The content includes tutorials, guides, and announcements related to this specific gaming server. The site emphasizes the features and benefits of playing on their server, such as low latency for Iranian players, a dedicated team for server maintenance, and a focus on providing an enjoyable gaming experience.

However, it’s important to note that the nature of online gaming servers, especially those associated with specific games, can vary widely in terms of legitimacy, safety, and trustworthiness. Here are some points to consider:

1. Domain and Hosting: The website is hosted on a server with the IP address, located in Shiraz, Fars, Iran. The hosting provider is identified as Patron Technology Persia Ltd. This information can be verified through a WHOIS lookup.

2. SSL Certificate: The website uses an SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt, which is a widely used certificate authority for securing websites. This indicates that the site can encrypt data transmitted between the user’s browser and the server.

3. Content and Focus: The website’s content is highly specific to the operations and features of their gaming server. It includes detailed tutorials on various aspects of the game and the server, as well as announcements related to in-game events and updates.

4. User Community: Online gaming servers often have a community of players who engage with the server and its associated website. It can be helpful to look for reviews, discussions, or feedback from other players to gauge the reputation and trustworthiness of the server.

5. Scam Risks: Online gaming communities, especially those associated with specific servers, can sometimes be targeted by scams, phishing attempts, or other malicious activities. Players should be cautious about sharing personal information, especially financial details, and should use strong, unique passwords for their gaming accounts.

6. Server Popularity and Longevity: The popularity and longevity of the server can be an indicator of its trustworthiness. Established and well-regarded servers are more likely to provide a safe and enjoyable gaming experience.

7. Official Sources: For online gaming servers, it’s often best to verify information and download game-related files from official sources whenever possible. This can help avoid potential security risks associated with unofficial or unverified downloads.

8. Contact and Support: Legitimate gaming servers typically provide clear and reliable channels for user support and communication. This can include official forums, in-game support features, and verified social media accounts.

In summary, while the website ‘’ appears to be focused on a specific online gaming server, it’s important for users to exercise caution and conduct additional research, especially regarding the reputation and trustworthiness of the server within the gaming community. As with any online platform, it’s advisable to prioritize security, use strong and unique passwords, and be wary of potential scams or phishing attempts.”

the reasons behind this review :
Specific to a gaming server, SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt, Detailed tutorials and announcements, Hosting in Iran, Potential for scams in online gaming communities, Importance of official sources for game-related downloads, Need for caution with personal and financial information, Importance of strong and unique passwords, Consideration of server popularity and longevity, Verification of user support and communication channels
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

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