This website is a scam based on our experts' reviews.

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

Here are several red flags related to the platform and its connection with CNC Intelligence:

1. Heavily Promoted Affiliation

  • is primarily a referral site for CNC Intelligence, constantly pushing victims toward their paid services. This close affiliation with a single recovery service raises concerns about impartiality. Legitimate recovery platforms should provide a variety of resources, not promote a singular service.

2. No Guarantee of Fund Recovery

  • Despite the detailed explanations of how CNC Intelligence can help trace cryptocurrency, the website repeatedly emphasizes that fund recovery is not guaranteed. This could be a tactic to attract clients without delivering results, especially since recovering stolen crypto is known to be very challenging.

3. Recovery Scam Tactics

  • The website focuses heavily on cryptocurrency scams, a common theme used by scam recovery services. This might attract victims of cryptocurrency scams who are desperate, only to find themselves victims of a recovery scam as well. The lack of transparency about actual success rates or client testimonials is concerning.

4. Absence of Legal Responsibility

  • and CNC Intelligence make it clear that they do not directly recover lost funds but provide “evidence” for law enforcement. This could be an attempt to distance themselves from accountability if recovery efforts fail.

5. Overuse of Buzzwords

  • Terms like “Cyber Intelligence,” “Asset Tracing,” “Forensic Investigators,” and “OSINT” are used throughout the site to sound credible. However, there are no specific details about the qualifications of the individuals performing these services or any concrete evidence of past successes.

6. No Regulatory Oversight

  • There’s no mention of any regulatory body overseeing or CNC Intelligence. Legitimate financial or cybersecurity services are usually subject to some form of regulatory scrutiny, especially in the asset recovery space.

7. Pressure to Use Paid Services

  • The site pushes victims to contact CNC Intelligence for a “free consultation,” which could lead to upselling of expensive services without transparency about costs or the likelihood of success. This tactic preys on victims’ desperation.

8. Exploitation of Victim Trust

  • By encouraging users to publicly comment on their scams (with their names and timestamps made public), might be exploiting victims’ trust and vulnerability. Publicly sharing such sensitive details could lead to privacy concerns or further exploitation.

9. Limited User Reviews and Testimonials

  • The user comments are few, and many responses from the site are generic, offering no clear follow-up on whether victims received meaningful help. This lack of concrete testimonials or success stories can indicate that the platform is not as effective as it claims.

10. Unclear Pricing for Services

  • There’s no transparency regarding the pricing of CNC Intelligence services. Victims might be lured into costly services without understanding the actual expenses involved.

11. Vague References to Legal Action

  • The platform mentions working with law enforcement and providing evidence but doesn’t offer any specific case studies, legal victories, or law enforcement endorsements to back up these claims. This vagueness could mean that CNC Intelligence might not have strong connections with legal systems.

12. Potential for Double Victimization

  • Victims who are desperate to recover their funds may be exposed to additional scams if CNC Intelligence does not deliver. This is especially risky given that does not provide clear legal accountability.


The platform raises several concerns about its legitimacy and transparency. The heavy promotion of CNC Intelligence, vague success claims, lack of regulatory oversight, and potential for exploiting vulnerable victims should be considered significant red flags. Victims should proceed cautiously and seek other reputable and transparent services for scam recovery.

the reasons behind this review :
Scam Reporting and Awareness, Specialization in Cryptocurrency Scams, Guidance for Victims, Partnership with Cybersecurity Firms, Community Support and Information Sharing, Cautionary Advice, Examples of Common Scams, Recommendations for Recovery Assistance
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden