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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the claims made are classic red flags for potential scams:

1. **Get-Rich-Quick Promises**: The website promises wealth and financial freedom through their program, which is a common tactic used by many scams. Legitimate financial opportunities usually emphasize hard work and realistic returns.

2. **Urgency and Limited Spots**: The site creates a sense of urgency by claiming that spots are limited and the price will increase soon. This is a common tactic to pressure people into making quick decisions without proper consideration.

3. **High Initial Discount**: Offering a high discount for initial sign-ups is often used to lure people in, but it can be a deceptive tactic.

4. **Vague Business Model**: While the site mentions various business skills like copywriting, e-commerce, and stocks, it lacks specific details about how these skills will be taught and how they will lead to financial success.

5. **Unrealistic Income Claims**: Promising a specific income level (e.g., “10k a month and beyond”) without considering individual circumstances or the effort required is a common tactic in scams.

6. **Use of AI and Technology**: While technology can certainly aid in business, the vague and grandiose claims about AI technology can be a red flag.

7. **Testimonials and Success Stories**: These can be fabricated or exaggerated in many scams to create a false sense of credibility.

8. **Grandiose Mentoring Claims**: The promise of direct access to multimillionaire mentors and daily live sessions can be an overblown claim, especially if it’s not backed by verifiable evidence.

9. **Community and Team Claims**: While a supportive community can be valuable, it’s often used in scams to create a sense of belonging and trust.

10. **Price Increase Threat**: The claim that the price will increase after a certain number of members is a common tactic to push people into immediate action.

11. **Ever-Accessible Portal**: The claim that their application is available on every device can be an exaggeration, and it’s often used to make the offer seem more valuable.

12. **Instructors’ Background**: Claims about the instructors’ wealth and success can be difficult to verify and are often exaggerated in scams.

13. **Success Measurement**: The emphasis on measuring success based on student success can be a tactic to deflect from the lack of verifiable success of the program itself.

14. **FAQs**: The FAQs are designed to address common concerns, but they can also be used to deflect from more critical questions.

15. **Language Accessibility**: Claims that the program works regardless of English proficiency can be misleading, especially if the program heavily relies on English-based materials.

16. **Contact and Support**: While having a chat function for support is common, it’s often used to provide immediate reassurance and prevent deeper scrutiny.

17. **Subscription and Contact List**: The request to subscribe to emails and lessons can be a way to keep potential victims engaged and continually exposed to the scam.

18. **Terms and Conditions**: Scams often have terms and conditions that heavily favor the company and limit the user’s rights.

It’s important to approach any such opportunity with caution and thoroughly research the company and its claims. Look for independent reviews and testimonials, and consider seeking advice from financial experts or trusted individuals before making any commitments.”

the reasons behind this review :
Get-Rich-Quick Promises, Urgency and Limited Spots, High Initial Discount, Vague Business Model, Unrealistic Income Claims, Use of AI and Technology, Testimonials and Success Stories, Grandiose Mentoring Claims, Community and Team Claims, Price Increase Threat, Ever-Accessible Portal, Instructors' Background, Success Measurement, FAQs, Language Accessibility, Contact and Support, Subscription and Contact List, Terms and Conditions
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new