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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website appears to be the official site of the Kazakhstani internet service provider (ISP) Radiobaylanys LLP, which operates under the brand name rb-k. The site provides information about the company, its services, news, and contact details. The services offered include internet connectivity, virtual private network (VPN) services, Wi-Fi, and IP telephony. The company emphasizes its 15 years of experience in providing high-quality telecommunication services to businesses in Kazakhstan. It also highlights its modern equipment and the ability to provide reliable and individualized solutions to its clients.

The site describes various services offered by Radiobaylanys LLP:

Dedicated Internet Access: This service provides high-speed, reliable, and unlimited internet access via a dedicated radio channel, independent of the local infrastructure.
Data Transmission Channels: This service is designed to connect a client’s local networks into a unified corporate network using wireless broadband access equipment.
Telephony: The company offers the provision of local telephone numbers using wireless access equipment and IP gateways, which can be used by end-users regardless of the existing communication infrastructure in their areas.
Virtual PBX (Private Branch Exchange): This modern solution allows companies to set up a telephone network without the need to purchase expensive equipment, with the ability to connect remote branches and create call centers.
The site also mentions the company’s network coverage, flexible payment options, unlimited data usage without speed reduction, and round-the-clock technical support.

Based on the information available on the website, Radiobaylanys LLP appears to be a legitimate and established internet service provider in Kazakhstan, offering a range of telecommunication services to businesses. However, as with any service provider, it’s advisable for potential customers to conduct further research, read reviews, and consider their specific needs before making a decision.

It’s important to note that the assessment of the website’s legitimacy is based solely on the information available on the site itself. Additional factors, such as customer reviews, industry reputation, and independent evaluations, should also be considered when evaluating the trustworthiness of a service provider.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website of a legitimate internet service provider in Kazakhstan, Describes a range of telecommunication services for businesses, Emphasizes 15 years of experience in the industry, Highlights modern equipment and reliable solutions for clients, Offers dedicated internet access via radio channel, Provides data transmission channels for connecting local networks, Offers telephony services using wireless access equipment, Provides virtual PBX solution for setting up telephone networks, Mentions wide network coverage and flexible payment options, Promises unlimited data usage without speed reduction, Claims to offer round-the-clock technical support, Advises potential customers to conduct further research and consider their specific needs, Acknowledges that the assessment is based on the information available on the website, Recommends considering customer reviews and industry reputation for a comprehensive evaluation
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden