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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website appears to be an online store selling a variety of products, primarily shoes and bags. However, there are several red flags that suggest caution and potentially indicate that the website could be a scam:

1. Lack of Detailed Information: The website lacks detailed information about the company, such as its physical address, contact information, and company history. Legitimate businesses typically provide this information to build trust with customers.

2. Unprofessional Design: The website’s design appears unprofessional, with a cluttered layout and inconsistent use of fonts and colors. Legitimate e-commerce sites often invest in professional web design to enhance the user experience.

3. Limited Product Descriptions: The product descriptions are brief and lack detailed information about the items being sold. This can be a red flag, as legitimate e-commerce sites usually provide comprehensive details about their products.

4. Suspiciously Low Prices: The prices of the products, especially for well-known brands, are significantly lower than what is typically found on legitimate e-commerce platforms. Unrealistically low prices can be a sign of a scam.

5. Lack of Customer Reviews: There are no visible customer reviews or testimonials on the website. Legitimate online stores often feature customer feedback to build trust and credibility.

6. Limited Payment Options: The website may offer limited or unconventional payment options, which can be a red flag. Legitimate e-commerce sites typically provide a variety of secure payment methods.

7. Unsecured Connection: The website does not use a secure HTTPS connection, which is essential for protecting sensitive customer information during online transactions.

8. High-Risk Domain Age: The domain age of the website is not provided, but if it is relatively new, it could be a red flag. Scammers often create new websites to avoid detection.

9. Lack of Contact Information: The website may not provide clear contact information, such as a phone number or physical address. This can make it difficult for customers to reach the company with any concerns.

10. No Refund or Return Policy: A legitimate e-commerce site should have a clear and comprehensive refund and return policy. The absence of such a policy is a potential red flag.

Given these red flags, it is advisable to exercise caution when considering making a purchase from this website. It’s important to thoroughly research the site, look for independent reviews, and consider alternative, more established online retailers for your shopping needs.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Detailed Information, Unprofessional Design, Limited Product Descriptions, Suspiciously Low Prices, Lack of Customer Reviews, Limited Payment Options, Unsecured Connection, High-Risk Domain Age, Lack of Contact Information, No Refund or Return Policy
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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