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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to be a platform for decentralized gaming, specifically in the context of gambling with cryptocurrencies. It promotes various features, including smart contract-based games, support for multiple cryptocurrencies, decentralized operations, and an influencer program. However, several aspects of the website raise significant concerns:

1. Lack of Regulatory Information: The website does not provide clear information about its regulatory status or any licenses it holds for operating as a gambling platform. This is a critical red flag, as legitimate gambling platforms are typically required to adhere to specific regulations and obtain licenses from relevant authorities.

2. Unrealistic Promises: The website makes bold claims about the potential for high earnings, such as earning passive income every minute by participating in the liquidity pool. These claims are often associated with high-risk or fraudulent schemes, especially in the context of cryptocurrency.

3. Anonymity and Ownership: The website does not provide transparent information about its ownership or the team behind the platform. Legitimate and trustworthy platforms usually have clear and verifiable ownership details.

4. Lack of Security Information: While the website mentions security, it does not provide detailed information about the measures in place to protect users’ funds and personal data. This is crucial, especially in the context of a platform dealing with financial transactions.

5. High-Risk Nature of Cryptocurrency Gambling: Gambling with cryptocurrencies, especially in a decentralized and potentially unregulated environment, carries significant risks. The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies and the lack of traditional consumer protections make such platforms particularly risky for users.

6. Unrealistic Earnings and Influencer Program: The website’s emphasis on earning significant income, especially through an influencer program, is a common tactic used in potentially fraudulent schemes. It’s important to approach such promises with extreme caution.

7. Limited Customer Support Information: The website mentions 24/7 live technical support, but it’s unclear how users can reach this support and what the actual quality of support is.

8. Lack of Transparency in Game Results: The website provides a list of recent games and their outcomes, but it’s essential for users to have access to transparent and independently verifiable information about game results, especially in the context of gambling.

9. Withdrawal and Deposit Issues: The FAQ section mentions potential issues with deposits and withdrawals, which can be concerning for users who want to ensure the security and reliability of their financial transactions.

10. Limited Information about the Company: The website provides minimal information about the company behind the platform, making it difficult for users to conduct proper due diligence.

Given these concerns, it’s crucial for individuals to exercise extreme caution when considering any involvement with the platform. It’s advisable to thoroughly research and verify the legitimacy and regulatory compliance of any platform, especially in the context of financial transactions and gambling. Additionally, seeking independent financial and legal advice is recommended before engaging with such platforms, especially those involving high-risk activities like cryptocurrency gambling.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Regulatory Information, Unrealistic Promises, Anonymity and Ownership, Lack of Security Information, High-Risk Nature of Cryptocurrency Gambling, Unrealistic Earnings and Influencer Program, Limited Customer Support Information, Lack of Transparency in Game Results, Withdrawal and Deposit Issues, Limited Information about the Company
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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