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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Lack of Information: The website lacks essential information such as an ‘About Us’ page, contact details, and company background. Legitimate businesses usually provide this information to build trust with their customers.

2. Suspicious Domain Name: The domain name ‘’ is unusual and doesn’t seem related to any legitimate business. It’s common for scam websites to use random or nonsensical domain names.

3. No Search Results: When searching for the website on Google, it shows no results. This is unusual for a legitimate business, as they typically have some online presence and can be found through a search engine.

4. Lack of Reviews or Testimonials: There are no customer reviews or testimonials on the website or on other platforms. Legitimate businesses often have reviews from customers to establish their credibility.

5. Unprofessional Design: The website’s design and layout appear unprofessional, with generic stock images and a lack of cohesive branding. This is often a red flag for scam websites.

6. No Social Media Presence: Legitimate businesses usually have a presence on social media platforms. The absence of links to social media profiles is suspicious.

7. Limited Product Information: The website provides limited information about the products it claims to sell. This lack of detail is common in scam websites.

8. Unsecure Connection: The website does not use an HTTPS connection, which is a standard security measure for e-commerce sites. This can put users’ personal and financial information at risk.

9. Unusual Redirect Behavior: The website’s behavior of immediately redirecting users to another page can be a tactic to avoid scrutiny and prevent users from examining the site closely.

10. Lack of Contact Options: Legitimate businesses typically provide multiple ways to contact them, such as a physical address, phone number, and email. The absence of these contact options is suspicious.

Based on these observations, it’s advisable to exercise caution and avoid making any transactions or sharing personal information on the website. If you’re interested in purchasing products similar to those advertised on the site, consider using well-established and reputable online retailers with a proven track record of customer satisfaction and security.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Information, Suspicious Domain Name, No Search Results, Lack of Reviews or Testimonials, Unprofessional Design, No Social Media Presence, Limited Product Information, Unsecure Connection, Unusual Redirect Behavior, Lack of Contact Options
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden