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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to be a cryptocurrency trading and investment platform. However, several red flags and inconsistencies are present, which raise concerns about its legitimacy:

1. Lack of Verifiable Information: The website does not provide clear and verifiable information about its company, team, or physical address. Legitimate cryptocurrency platforms typically have transparent information about their operations.

2. Unrealistic Profit Claims: The website advertises the ability to earn passive income of up to 420% annually by holding cryptocurrencies. Such high and guaranteed returns are unrealistic and often associated with investment scams.

3. Zero Fees Promotion: The claim of zero fees for market makers from January 1 to September 30 raises suspicion. Scammers often use such promotions to attract users and then impose hidden fees or conduct fraudulent activities.

4. Lack of Regulatory Information: Legitimate cryptocurrency platforms are usually registered with relevant financial authorities and comply with regulations. The absence of such information on is concerning.

5. Generic and Inconsistent Content: The website’s content is generic and lacks specific details about its services, technology, or security measures. Additionally, there are inconsistencies in the information provided, such as the 24/7 customer support claim.

6. High Trading Volume and Active Traders: The website boasts a high number of active traders and significant trading volume. While these claims may be exaggerated, they are not independently verifiable.

7. Vague Security Claims: The website mentions security measures like 2FA (two-factor authentication) but does not provide comprehensive details about its security protocols and audits.

8. Risk Disclosure Statement: The website includes a risk disclosure statement, which, in some cases, can be a tactic to shift responsibility to users in the event of financial losses.

9. Ambiguous Legal Information: The legal information provided on the website, such as terms of service and privacy notice, may be generic and not reflective of actual legal compliance.

10. Lack of Independent Reviews or Endorsements: There is a lack of independent reviews or endorsements from reputable sources, which is common for legitimate and established cryptocurrency platforms.

Based on these observations, exhibits several characteristics commonly associated with cryptocurrency scams. It is advisable to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with this platform. Additionally, consider seeking advice from financial professionals or regulatory authorities in the cryptocurrency industry.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Verifiable Information, Unrealistic Profit Claims, Zero Fees Promotion, Lack of Regulatory Information, Generic and Inconsistent Content, High Trading Volume and Active Traders, Vague Security Claims, Risk Disclosure Statement, Ambiguous Legal Information, Lack of Independent Reviews or Endorsements
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
