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Public Suffix List (PSL) is a cross-vendor initiative to provide an accurate list of domain name suffixes. It's maintained by the Mozilla Foundation and is a valuable resource for internet security and privacy. The PSL is used in various software applications, particularly web browsers, to enhance security and privacy measures. Here are some key points about the Public Suffix List:

Definition: A public suffix is a domain suffix under which internet users can directly register names. Examples include .com,, and The PSL is a comprehensive list of all known public suffixes.

Purpose: The primary goal of the PSL is to improve internet security and privacy. By accurately identifying the boundaries of domain names, it helps prevent certain security vulnerabilities, such as the unauthorized setting of cookies across multiple sites.

Browser Support: Major web browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and others, use the PSL to implement security features. For example, it helps in preventing the setting of "supercookies" that can track users across different websites.

Community Maintenance: While initiated by Mozilla, the PSL is maintained as a community resource. It's regularly updated with contributions from various stakeholders, including internet registries and volunteers.

Use Cases: The PSL has diverse applications, including cookie management, history sorting, and highlighting the most important part of a domain name in the user interface. It's also used to support features like site grouping in browsers.

Software Integration: Many software libraries and applications across different programming languages integrate the PSL to enhance their security and privacy features.

Dynamic Nature: The PSL is designed to accommodate the dynamic nature of domain name registrations. It's important for software using the PSL to regularly receive updates to stay current with changes in domain suffixes.

Standardization: The PSL has been referenced in various industry standards and recommendations, including those related to internet security and certificate issuance.

Overall, the Public Suffix List is a critical component of internet security infrastructure. Its widespread adoption and community-driven maintenance make it a valuable resource for enhancing the security and privacy of internet users."

the reasons behind this review :
Cross-vendor initiative, Accurate list of domain name suffixes, Maintained by the Mozilla Foundation, Used in various software applications, Enhances internet security and privacy, Prevents unauthorized setting of cookies, Supported by major web browsers, Community-maintained resource, Regularly updated with contributions, Diverse applications including cookie management and history sorting, Used to support features like site grouping in browsers, Integrated into many software libraries and applications, Accommodates the dynamic nature of domain name registrations, Referenced in industry standards and recommendations, Critical component of internet security infrastructure.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden