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Why is the trust score of very high?

Based on the provided content, the website appears to be a logistics and shipping service provider, specifically focusing on international express delivery and related services. The website mentions various services such as international package delivery, post-paid postage, express post, parcel tracking, door-to-door services, retail and groupage transportation, international transportation, import and export, and customs clearance. It also highlights the company’s presence in several countries, including China, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Syria, for fast and secure postal delivery. The website seems to emphasize its capabilities in handling international shipping and logistics, particularly for e-commerce and business purposes. It’s important to note that the website content is in Persian (Farsi), which suggests a target audience or operational focus in Persian-speaking regions. The website’s domain age is over 8 years, which indicates a relatively long-standing online presence. The SSL certificate is issued by Google Trust Services, which is a reputable certificate authority. The website’s use of SSL/TLS encryption is a positive sign for secure data transmission. The server information indicates that the website is hosted on a server associated with the domain name The Tranco rank is 640,153, which suggests a moderate level of traffic or popularity compared to other websites. The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine shows that the website has been archived for over 6,000 days, indicating a long history of web presence and potential for historical content retrieval. Overall, based on the provided information, the website appears to be a legitimate and established logistics and shipping service provider, particularly for international express delivery and related services. However, as with any online service, it’s advisable to conduct further research and, if possible, verify the company’s credentials and customer feedback to ensure reliability and suitability for specific shipping needs.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long-standing domain age, Reputable SSL certificate issuer, Use of SSL/TLS encryption for secure data transmission, Focus on international express delivery and logistics services, Presence in multiple countries for postal delivery, Emphasis on capabilities for e-commerce and business shipping, Content in Persian (Farsi) suggests a target audience in Persian-speaking regions, Moderate level of traffic or popularity based on Tranco rank, Long history of web presence and archiving on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Advice to conduct further research and verify company credentials and customer feedback for reliability.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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