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Why is the trust score of very low?

Prabesh Group’s website raises several red flags that are common in employment and visa scams:

1. **Unrealistic Promises:** The website makes bold claims about providing work permits and visas for a wide range of countries, often with very short processing times. In reality, obtaining work permits and visas is a complex and often lengthy process, and the specific requirements vary widely from country to country.

2. **Generic and Vague Information:** The website provides very general information about the services it offers, without delving into the specific legal and administrative details of obtaining work permits and visas for different countries. Legitimate visa and employment agencies typically provide detailed, country-specific information.

3. **High Volume of Job Openings:** The claim of offering 2,500 jobs monthly is highly suspicious. Legitimate employment agencies do not guarantee a specific number of job openings, especially across such a wide range of countries.

4. **Low Prices for Visa Services:** The website advertises very low prices for visa services, such as a Russian visa invitation for $19.99. Legitimate visa services are typically more expensive, reflecting the actual costs and administrative fees involved.

5. **Lack of Transparency:** The website does not provide clear information about the company’s physical address, registration details, or the qualifications and experience of its staff. Legitimate employment and visa agencies are transparent about their credentials.

6. **Unprofessional Language and Presentation:** The website contains numerous grammatical and typographical errors, which is uncharacteristic of a professional and reputable company.

7. **Payment Methods:** The website offers a variety of payment methods, including online payment and Western Union. The use of Western Union, in particular, is often associated with scams due to the difficulty in tracing and recovering funds sent through this service.

8. **High Number of Countries Covered:** The website claims to offer services for a very large number of countries, which is unusual for a single agency. Legitimate agencies often specialize in a smaller number of countries and have in-depth knowledge of the specific requirements for each.

9. **Lack of Client Testimonials:** While the website mentions “what our clients say,” there are no actual client testimonials or verifiable reviews provided.

10. **Inconsistent Information:** The website contains repetitive and inconsistent information, which can be a sign of poor quality or hastily put together content.

11. **Unrealistic Salary Ranges:** The listed salary ranges for different countries are quite broad and not reflective of the actual job market conditions in those countries.

12. **Rushed Processing Times:** The website claims very short processing times for various visa and work permit applications, which is not in line with the standard processing times for these documents.

13. **No Clear Process for Job Placement:** While the website mentions job listings, there is no clear process outlined for how job placement and recruitment are handled.

14. **Overemphasis on Quantity:** The repeated mention of high numbers, such as 2,500 jobs monthly, can be a tactic to impress visitors, but it lacks the substance and detail that would be expected from a legitimate employment agency.

15. **Lack of Specific Job Details:** The job listings provided on the website are very generic and lack specific details about the roles, which is unusual for a legitimate job placement service.

16. **Unverified Claims of Trustworthiness:** The website repeatedly claims to be “100% trusted” and “real employment solutions,” but these claims are not backed up with verifiable evidence or industry certifications.

17. **Unusual Range of Services:** The website offers a wide range of services, including language study and tourist visas, which is not typical for a specialized employment and visa agency.

It’s important to approach websites like Prabesh Group with caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with their services. Always verify the credentials and reputation of any company offering employment or visa assistance, especially when dealing with international matters that involve legal and administrative complexities.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Generic and Vague Information, High Volume of Job Openings, Low Prices for Visa Services, Lack of Transparency, Unprofessional Language and Presentation, Payment Methods, High Number of Countries Covered, Lack of Client Testimonials, Inconsistent Information, Unrealistic Salary Ranges, Rushed Processing Times, No Clear Process for Job Placement, Overemphasis on Quantity, Lack of Specific Job Details, Unverified Claims of Trustworthiness, Unusual Range of Services
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden