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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content raises several red flags:

1. **Generic and Overly Positive Language:** The website uses generic and overly positive language, which is a common tactic in scam websites to appeal to a wide audience.

2. **Unverifiable Claims:** The claims about the breeders’ history and passion for cats are difficult to verify and lack specific details.

3. **High Number of Available Kittens:** The website lists a high number of available kittens, which can be a sign of a kitten mill or a scam operation.

4. **Uniform Pricing:** The kittens are all listed at similar prices, which is unusual as purebred kittens typically have varying prices based on factors like pedigree and show potential.

5. **Lack of Detailed Information:** There’s a lack of detailed information about the specific lineage, health testing, and certifications of the kittens and their parents.

6. **No Information on Rehoming Process:** Reputable breeders usually have a thorough process for rehoming their kittens, including interviews and contracts.

7. **No Information on Spaying/Neutering:** Responsible breeders typically require spaying/neutering for pets not intended for breeding, but this information is not provided.

8. **No Information on Health Guarantees:** Reputable breeders usually offer health guarantees for their kittens, but this information is not prominently featured.

9. **No Information on Vaccinations and Vet Checks:** There’s a lack of detailed information about the kittens’ vaccination history and veterinary checks.

10. **No Information on Socialization:** Reputable breeders prioritize the socialization of their kittens, but this aspect is not highlighted.

11. **No Information on Parent Cats:** There’s limited information about the parent cats, which is important for potential buyers to assess the health and temperament of the kittens.

12. **No Information on Breeding Standards:** Reputable breeders adhere to specific breeding standards, but this information is not provided.

13. **No Information on Genetic Testing:** Responsible breeders often conduct genetic testing to screen for hereditary health issues, but this is not mentioned.

14. **No Information on Support After Purchase:** Reputable breeders offer support and advice to buyers after the purchase, but this is not emphasized.

15. **No Information on Return Policy:** Reputable breeders have clear return policies if the buyer is unable to care for the kitten, but this is not mentioned.

16. **No Information on Show or Breeding Potential:** For kittens sold as pets, reputable breeders usually specify that they are not for breeding or show purposes.

17. **No Information on Responsible Ownership:** Reputable breeders often provide information on responsible ownership and care for the specific breed.

18. **No Information on Spaying/Neutering:** Responsible breeders typically require spaying/neutering for pets not intended for breeding, but this information is not provided.

It’s important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering any purchase from this website. If you’re interested in acquiring a purebred kitten, it’s advisable to seek out reputable breeders who can provide verifiable information about their breeding practices, the health and lineage of their cats, and who prioritize the well-being of their animals.”

the reasons behind this review :
Generic and Overly Positive Language, Unverifiable Claims, High Number of Available Kittens, Uniform Pricing, Lack of Detailed Information, No Information on Rehoming Process, No Information on Spaying/Neutering, No Information on Health Guarantees, No Information on Vaccinations and Vet Checks, No Information on Socialization, No Information on Parent Cats, No Information on Breeding Standards, No Information on Genetic Testing, No Information on Support After Purchase, No Information on Return Policy, No Information on Show or Breeding Potential, No Information on Responsible Ownership, No Information on Spaying/Neutering
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

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