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Why is the trust score of very high?

Pertamina is a state-owned oil and natural gas corporation in Indonesia. It was created in August 1968 by the merger of Pertamin (established 1961) and Permina (established 1957). The company is primarily involved in the exploration, production, and processing of oil and gas, as well as marketing and distribution of petroleum and petrochemical products. Pertamina also has interests in renewable energy, including geothermal and biofuels.

Pertamina’s activities span the entire oil and gas value chain, from upstream exploration and production to downstream refining and marketing. The company operates several refineries in Indonesia and has a significant retail presence, with a large network of gas stations across the country.

As a state-owned enterprise, Pertamina plays a crucial role in Indonesia’s energy sector and is a major contributor to the country’s economy. The company is involved in various initiatives to promote energy security, sustainability, and technological innovation in the energy industry.

Pertamina’s operations are subject to government regulations and policies, and the company works closely with the Indonesian government to achieve national energy goals. This includes initiatives to increase domestic oil and gas production, develop renewable energy sources, and ensure the availability of affordable and reliable energy for the Indonesian population.

In recent years, Pertamina has been focused on modernizing its operations, improving efficiency, and expanding its presence in the international market. The company has pursued partnerships and investments in various energy projects, both domestically and internationally, to support its growth and diversification.

Pertamina’s commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility is reflected in its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote energy efficiency, and develop cleaner energy solutions. The company is also involved in community development and social programs, aiming to create positive impacts in the areas where it operates.

Overall, Pertamina is a significant player in the global energy industry, with a strategic focus on meeting Indonesia’s energy needs, driving economic growth, and contributing to sustainable development. As a state-owned enterprise, it operates within the framework of government policies and regulations, and its activities are aligned with national energy priorities and objectives.”

the reasons behind this review :
State-owned enterprise, Major player in Indonesia's energy sector, Involved in oil and gas exploration, production, and refining, Significant retail presence with a large network of gas stations, Active in renewable energy, including geothermal and biofuels, Key contributor to Indonesia's economy, Subject to government regulations and policies, Works closely with the Indonesian government to achieve national energy goals, Focus on energy security, sustainability, and technological innovation, Modernizing operations and expanding international presence, Commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency, Involved in community development and social programs
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden