How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website ‘’ raises several red flags that are commonly associated with academic fraud or scams:

1. **Unrealistic Promises:** The website makes bold claims about guaranteeing A+ grades, offering a 100% success rate, and providing academic assistance with a 40% discount. Such promises are unrealistic and cannot be guaranteed in the academic context.

2. **Confidentiality and Privacy Concerns:** While confidentiality is important in academic support services, the emphasis on 100% confidentiality without clear details on how they ensure this can be a red flag. It’s important to have transparent privacy policies.

3. **Subject Coverage and Expertise:** The website claims to cover a wide range of subjects and boasts about having experts from prestigious universities. However, without verifiable information about their team and their qualifications, these claims are dubious.

4. **Customer Reviews:** The customer reviews provided on the website are generic and lack specific details. They also use generic student IDs, which is unusual for genuine testimonials.

5. **Pricing and Affordability:** While affordability is a selling point, extremely low prices for guaranteed high-quality academic assistance are often a red flag. Quality academic support typically comes at a reasonable cost.

6. **Plagiarism and Academic Integrity:** The disclaimer at the bottom of the website, stating that they do not endorse or encourage academic dishonesty, including plagiarism or cheating, is contradictory to their earlier claims of guaranteeing A+ grades.

7. **Payment Process:** The website should provide clear and secure payment methods. If the payment process seems unclear or unprofessional, it’s a red flag.

8. **Contact Information:** The website should have verifiable and professional contact information. If the contact details seem generic or unprofessional, it’s a concern.

9. **Terms and Conditions:** It’s important to review the terms and conditions of the website. If they are vague or seem to favor the service provider over the customer, it’s a red flag.

10. **Domain Age and SSL Certificate:** The relatively short domain age and the type of SSL certificate can be indicators of a less established or less secure website.

It’s important to exercise caution and thoroughly research any academic support service before engaging with them. Look for verifiable customer reviews, check their online reputation on independent platforms, and consider reaching out to academic institutions or professionals for advice.

If you’re a student seeking academic assistance, it’s always best to prioritize your academic integrity and seek support from legitimate and reputable sources, such as university-provided resources or well-established tutoring services.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Promises, Confidentiality and Privacy Concerns, Subject Coverage and Expertise, Customer Reviews, Pricing and Affordability, Plagiarism and Academic Integrity, Payment Process, Contact Information, Terms and Conditions, Domain Age and SSL Certificate
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new