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Why is the trust score of strongly low? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. The website content provided seems to be unrelated to the domain name “”. The content appears to be about the UK Supreme Court, which is not what one would expect from a domain with the name “”. This discrepancy could be a sign of a scam or a misleading website. Additionally, the mention of “we will never contact you asking for money – this is a scam” is highly suspicious and contradictory. It’s unusual for a legitimate website to make such a statement. The website also mentions that disabling cookies will prevent them from monitoring site usage, which is not a standard practice for official websites. This could be an attempt to pressure users into allowing cookies for potentially malicious purposes. The website’s footer includes links to “Careers” and “Cymraeg,” which are not relevant to the content about the UK Supreme Court. This further suggests that the website may not be legitimate. The content also includes a list of recent court cases, which is not typical for a website related to parking or a domain with the name “” This inconsistency raises red flags about the authenticity of the website. The website’s use of the UK Supreme Court’s name and content could be an attempt to appear legitimate and trustworthy. Scammers often use well-known and respected names to deceive visitors. The website’s footer includes a copyright notice for 2024, which is unusual for a website that seems to have unrelated content. It’s possible that the website is trying to appear established and legitimate by using a future date. The website’s repeated mention of cookies and the request to allow them is a common tactic used by malicious websites to track users and potentially gather sensitive information. Legitimate websites typically provide clear and concise information about their use of cookies and allow users to make informed choices. The website’s use of the UK Supreme Court’s name and content could be an attempt to appear legitimate and trustworthy. Scammers often use well-known and respected names to deceive visitors. The website’s footer includes a copyright notice for 2024, which is unusual for a website that seems to have unrelated content. It’s possible that the website is trying to appear established and legitimate by using a future date. The website’s repeated mention of cookies and the request to allow them is a common tactic used by malicious websites to track users and potentially gather sensitive information. Legitimate websites typically provide clear and concise information about their use of cookies and allow users to make informed choices. The website’s use of the UK Supreme Court’s name and content could be an attempt to appear legitimate and trustworthy. Scammers often use well-known and respected names to deceive visitors. The website’s footer includes a copyright notice for 2024, which is unusual for a website that seems to have unrelated content. It’s possible that the website is trying to appear established and legitimate by using a future date. The website’s repeated mention of cookies and the request to allow them is a common tactic used by malicious websites to track users and potentially gather sensitive information. Legitimate websites typically provide clear and concise information about their use of cookies and allow users to make informed choices.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrelated content to the domain name, Suspicious statement about being a scam, Pressure to allow cookies for monitoring, Irrelevant footer links, Use of well-known and respected names, Unusual future copyright notice, Repeated mention of cookies and tracking, Inconsistency in content and purpose of the website
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI