How much trust do people have in


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All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very high? is the official website of Paizo Inc., a well-known publisher of role-playing games (RPGs) and related materials. The site serves as a hub for the Pathfinder and Starfinder RPG communities, offering a wide range of products, including rulebooks, adventure paths, maps, and accessories. It also provides resources for organized play, community forums, and information about upcoming releases and events.

Paizo Inc. has a strong reputation in the tabletop gaming industry, and its website is a trusted source for purchasing RPG products and engaging with the Pathfinder and Starfinder communities. The company is known for its high-quality game content and has a dedicated fan base.

Here are some key reasons why is considered a safe and reputable website:

1. Established Reputation: Paizo Inc. has been a prominent player in the tabletop gaming industry for many years. The company’s reputation for producing high-quality RPG content is well-established.

2. Official Publisher: is the official website of Paizo Inc., the publisher of the Pathfinder and Starfinder RPGs. It is the primary platform for purchasing official game products and accessing related resources.

3. Secure Online Store: The website features a secure online store for purchasing physical and digital RPG products. Customers can make purchases with confidence, knowing that their transactions are protected.

4. Community Engagement: provides a platform for community engagement, including forums, organized play resources, and information about events. This fosters a sense of community among Pathfinder and Starfinder players.

5. Transparency and Information: The website is transparent about its products, release schedules, and company information. Customers can easily find the information they need about Paizo Inc. and its RPG offerings.

6. Positive User Reviews: has a history of positive user reviews and a dedicated fan base. Many players and game masters rely on the website for their RPG needs.

7. Responsive Customer Service: Paizo Inc. is known for its responsive customer service, addressing inquiries and issues in a timely manner.

It’s important to note that while is a safe and reputable website for purchasing RPG products and engaging with the Pathfinder and Starfinder communities, individual experiences with online transactions can vary. As with any online purchase, it’s advisable to review the website’s policies, terms of service, and privacy information before making a purchase. Additionally, customers should ensure that they are visiting the official website and not a fraudulent or phishing site that may attempt to impersonate the company.

Overall, is a trusted and reliable platform for fans of Pathfinder and Starfinder RPGs, offering a wealth of official game content, community resources, and a secure online store for purchasing RPG materials.”

the reasons behind this review :
Established Reputation, Official Publisher, Secure Online Store, Community Engagement, Transparency and Information, Positive User Reviews, Responsive Customer Service
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point