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Optic Asset Management is a financial services company that specializes in separately managed account solutions employing option overlay strategies. The company was established in 2004 and is a division of Watts Gwilliam & Company, LLC. Their primary focus is on empowering investors and their advisors to unlock the potential of their portfolios through actively managed option overlay strategies.

The company’s approach involves the use of sophisticated option overlay strategies to unleash the hidden value within investors’ portfolios. They offer a range of strategies, both funded and unfunded, that aim to generate more income while reducing volatility risk. These strategies are designed to be highly customizable and can be easily added to nearly any portfolio.

Optic Asset Management’s team has extensive experience in managing option strategies, particularly covered call option strategies. They have been in the business since the 1990s and have developed a strong reputation for trustworthiness and confidence among their clients and the financial professionals they work with.

The company’s website provides detailed information about their various option overlay strategies, including those focused on specific assets such as the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY) and the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT). They also offer strategies for overlaying options on existing stock or bond portfolios.

The website includes profiles of key team members, including the portfolio manager, D. Brad Gwilliam, and the managing director, Ben Cooper. Both individuals have extensive experience in the financial industry, with a focus on developing and managing customized covered call option strategies for investors.

Overall, Optic Asset Management’s website presents a professional and transparent image of the company. It provides detailed information about their strategies, team members, and contact details, which are essential for establishing trust and credibility in the financial services industry. The website’s emphasis on experience, trustworthiness, and customized strategies aligns with the company’s mission to empower investors and create a more secure financial future.”

the reasons behind this review :
Established in 2004, Specializes in separately managed account solutions employing option overlay strategies, Empowers investors and their advisors to unlock the potential of their portfolios, Offers funded and unfunded option overlay strategies, Aims to generate more income while reducing volatility risk, Highly customizable strategies that can be added to nearly any portfolio, Team with extensive experience in managing option strategies, Focus on covered call option strategies, Detailed information about various option overlay strategies on the website, Profiles of key team members provided, Professional and transparent presentation of the company, Emphasis on experience, trustworthiness, and customized strategies aligns with the company's mission.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

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