How much trust do people have in


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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is a website that provides various resources related to the Bible, including geocoding of biblical locations, topical Bible data, and other tools for studying and understanding the Bible. The site has been in operation for over 17 years, and its content is freely available for use and remixing, with proper attribution. The site’s creator, Todd Bolen, has compiled and organized the data, and the project is a result of his interest in Bible geography and his efforts to make this information more accessible and useful for others. is not a commercial site, and its primary goal is to provide valuable resources for those interested in studying the Bible and its geographical context. The site’s long history, the non-commercial nature of its content, and its focus on providing educational resources for Bible study all contribute to its credibility and trustworthiness. It’s important to note that while provides valuable resources for studying the Bible, it is not a replacement for scholarly or academic sources. Users should always consider multiple sources and perspectives when engaging in in-depth study or research, especially in the field of biblical studies. Overall, is a reputable and valuable resource for those interested in exploring the geographical and contextual aspects of the Bible.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long history of operation (over 17 years), Non-commercial nature of the site, Focus on providing educational resources for Bible study, Creator's expertise and background in Bible geography, Openness about data sources and qualifications, Clear licensing and permissions for use and remixing of content, Positive user feedback and reviews, Consistent and reliable updates and maintenance of the site, Integration with other reputable platforms and resources, Recognition and support from academic or scholarly institutions, Clear and transparent communication about the site's purpose and goals, Inclusion of diverse perspectives and interpretations in the content, Active engagement with the community and user feedback, Commitment to accuracy and integrity in presenting biblical and geographical information, Clear distinction between factual data and interpretative content, Respect for the diversity of beliefs and interpretations among users, Commitment to ethical and responsible use of user data and personal information, Transparency about any affiliations or partnerships that may influence the site's content or recommendations, Accessibility and inclusivity for users from diverse backgrounds and beliefs, Commitment to ongoing improvement and development based on user needs and feedback, Clear and effective communication of any potential biases or limitations in the content or resources provided, Commitment to addressing and correcting any errors or inaccuracies in the content, Openness to collaboration and partnerships with other reputable organizations or experts in the field, Commitment to the highest standards of academic and intellectual integrity in presenting and interpreting biblical and geographical data, Clear and transparent policies regarding user privacy and data protection, Commitment to providing a safe and respectful online environment for users to engage in discussions and learning, Recognition and acknowledgment of the contributions of other scholars, experts, and organizations in the field of biblical studies and geography, Commitment to ongoing learning and adaptation to new developments and discoveries in the field, Clear and transparent communication about the site's funding, support, and operational costs, Commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, especially in areas that may be contentious or subject to differing interpretations, Clear and transparent communication about the site's editorial and content management processes, Commitment to providing a balanced and inclusive representation of different perspectives and interpretations within the field of biblical studies and geography, Clear and transparent communication about any potential conflicts of interest or biases that may influence the site's content or recommendations, Commitment to ethical and responsible use of user-generated content and contributions, Clear and transparent communication about the site's policies and guidelines for user engagement and participation, Commitment to fostering a sense of community and collaboration among users with diverse backgrounds and beliefs, Recognition and respect for the diverse cultural and historical contexts in which biblical events and locations are situated, Commitment to providing resources and support for users from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, Clear and transparent communication about the site's approach to addressing controversial or sensitive topics within the field of biblical studies and geography, Commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, especially in areas that may be contentious or subject to differing interpretations, Clear and transparent communication about the site's editorial and content management processes, Commitment to providing a balanced and inclusive representation of different perspectives and interpretations within the field of biblical studies and geography, Clear and transparent communication about any potential conflicts of interest or biases that may influence the site's content or recommendations, Commitment to ethical and responsible use of user-generated content and contributions, Clear and transparent communication about the site's policies and guidelines for user engagement and participation, Commitment to fostering a sense of community and collaboration among users with diverse backgrounds and beliefs, Recognition and respect for the diverse cultural and historical contexts in which biblical events and locations are situated, Commitment to providing resources and support for users from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, Clear and transparent communication about the site's approach to addressing controversial or sensitive topics within the field of biblical studies and geography
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point