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Why is the trust score of very high?

The New York State Assembly website, located at, is the official site for the New York State Assembly, the lower house of the New York State Legislature. The website serves as a hub for information and resources related to the Assembly’s activities, members, legislative processes, and news.

Key Features and Content:

1. Assembly Members: The website provides a directory of current Assembly members, including their names, districts, and contact information.
2. Legislative Information: Users can access details about the legislative process, including bill search functionality and information on the status of bills.
3. Public Hearings: Information about upcoming public hearings, including dates, topics, and locations, is available on the site.
4. Speaker’s Press: This section features press releases and announcements from the Speaker of the Assembly.
5. Assembly Reports: Reports and publications from the Assembly, covering various topics, are accessible to the public.
6. Committees: Details about the Assembly’s committees, their members, and their work are provided.
7. Recent News: The website features news articles and updates on recent developments and activities within the Assembly.
8. Upcoming Events: A calendar of upcoming Assembly sessions, public hearings, committee meetings, and other events is available for reference.
9. Public Information Office: Information about the Assembly’s Public Information Office, which provides resources and assistance to the public and the media, is included.
10. Additional Resources: The website offers various additional resources, such as career opportunities, internship programs, and a sitemap for easy navigation.

The New York State Assembly website is a valuable resource for individuals interested in the legislative process in New York State. It provides transparency and access to important information about the Assembly’s work, the activities of its members, and the laws and policies being considered and enacted in the state. The site’s comprehensive nature and its focus on public engagement and information dissemination contribute to its role as an essential tool for civic participation and understanding of the state’s legislative processes.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website of the New York State Assembly, Provides information on Assembly members, legislative processes, and public hearings, Features news and press releases from the Speaker of the Assembly, Offers resources for understanding the legislative process and accessing reports and publications, Includes a calendar of upcoming Assembly events and sessions, Serves as a hub for public engagement and transparency in state governance, Valuable resource for individuals interested in New York State politics and legislation, Contributes to civic participation and understanding of the state's legislative processes
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden

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