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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is related to cryptocurrency investment, specifically promoting the Nox Bitcoin platform. It includes information about the closure of the Nox Bitcoin app and encourages users to transfer their assets to Bybit, a cryptocurrency exchange. It also mentions a new product,, and provides details about the company’s history, mission, and team. The site features a section for user complaints and a link to download their app. The content is written in Portuguese, and the site appears to target Brazilian users. The website’s content and the information provided about the closure of the Nox Bitcoin app and the recommended transfer of assets to Bybit raise several red flags:

1. **Urgency and Pressure to Transfer Assets**: Urging users to transfer their assets to a specific exchange, Bybit, with a sense of urgency can be a tactic used in scams. Legitimate platforms typically provide users with more options and do not pressure them to act quickly.

2. **Unverified Claims and Promises**: Claims of “taxa zero” (zero fees) for transfers to Bybit and promises of “maximizing the value of investments” should be carefully verified. Unrealistic promises of high returns or cost savings can be a red flag.

3. **Limited Withdrawal Options and Minimum Amounts**: Restricting withdrawal options to specific cryptocurrencies and imposing minimum withdrawal amounts can be a tactic to make it difficult for users to access their funds.

4. **New Product Announcement**: The announcement of a new product,, during the closure of the Nox Bitcoin app can be seen as an attempt to redirect users to a new platform, which may not be trustworthy.

5. **CEO’s Statement and Company Values**: While the CEO’s statement and company values are presented, they should be verified independently. Scammers often use fabricated or exaggerated credentials and values to gain trust.

6. **Media Coverage**: References to positive media coverage should be verified by checking reputable sources. Scammers may fabricate or exaggerate media mentions to appear legitimate.

7. **App Download Link**: Providing a link to download their app can be risky, especially if the app’s legitimacy and security have not been independently verified.

8. **User Complaint Section**: While having a section for user complaints can be seen as a sign of transparency, it should be checked to see if there are any common issues or complaints that could indicate problems with the platform.

9. **Language and Target Audience**: The use of Portuguese and the targeting of Brazilian users may be a tactic to appeal to a specific audience, but it should not be the sole basis for trust.

10. **Domain Age and SSL Certificate**: The domain age and SSL certificate information should be verified independently. Scammers can use tactics to create a false sense of legitimacy, including using SSL certificates and older domain names.

It’s important to conduct thorough research and due diligence before engaging with any cryptocurrency platform, especially when there are significant changes or announcements like the closure of an app and the introduction of a new product. Users should verify information from multiple reliable sources, check for any regulatory or legal issues related to the platform, and be cautious of any high-pressure tactics or promises of guaranteed returns.”

the reasons behind this review :
Urgency and Pressure to Transfer Assets, Unverified Claims and Promises, Limited Withdrawal Options and Minimum Amounts, New Product Announcement, CEO's Statement and Company Values, Media Coverage, App Download Link, User Complaint Section, Language and Target Audience, Domain Age and SSL Certificate
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden