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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content and the business model it presents raise several red flags:

Guaranteed Real and Non-Drop Followers: The promise of guaranteed real and non-drop followers is highly suspicious. It's extremely difficult to guarantee real followers, especially in large numbers, as it's against the terms of service of most social media platforms to buy or sell followers.

Competitor Audits and Refund Guarantee: The website claims to offer a refund if a competitor provides better quality, but this is a common tactic used by scam websites to create a false sense of security. In reality, getting a refund from such platforms can be extremely challenging.

Testimonials and Trusted Clients: The use of testimonials and claims of trusted clients can be fabricated or misleading. It's important to verify the authenticity of such claims.

No Login Required and CC Payment: The website's claim that no login is required and that they accept credit card payments without a secure authentication process is a major security risk. Legitimate platforms usually have secure login and payment processes.

Flash Sales and Unrealistic Discounts: Offering large discounts and flash sales, especially in the context of buying followers, is a common tactic used by scam websites to lure in customers.

Claim of No Risk of Decrease: The claim of no risk of decrease in followers is highly dubious. It's not possible to guarantee this, especially with real and organic followers.

Claim of No Ban for Buying Followers: This claim is misleading. While it's not common for individual users to be banned for buying followers, it's against the terms of service of most social media platforms, and accounts found to be engaging in such activities can face penalties.

Claim of High-Quality Service: The repeated claims of being the best and highest quality service on the market without verifiable evidence are typical of scam websites.

Claim of Sustainable Solution: The use of terms like "sustainable solution" and "best possible quality" without providing concrete details or evidence is a common tactic used by scam websites to appear legitimate.

Claim of Years of Experience: The claim of being in the business for years, especially when the website itself is relatively new, is a red flag. It's important to verify such claims.

Claim of Refund and $250 Credit: The promise of a refund and a $250 credit for future services is often used by scam websites to create a false sense of security. In reality, getting refunds from such platforms can be extremely difficult.

Claim of No Fake Promises: The claim of not making fake promises is ironic, given the unrealistic and misleading claims made throughout the website.

Claim of No Password Requirement: The claim of not requiring a password is misleading. Legitimate platforms usually have secure login processes, and the absence of a password requirement can be a security risk.

Claim of Competing Businesses Buying Followers: The claim that competing businesses buy followers to have each other removed from Twitter is highly unlikely and appears to be a tactic to justify the practice of buying followers.

Claim of Delivery Time and Daily Limits: The specific claims about the average start time for services and the daily limits on followers are highly suspicious and not typical of legitimate social media marketing services.

Claim of 24/7 Support: While offering 24/7 support is not inherently suspicious, it's important to verify the responsiveness and legitimacy of the support channels.

Warning About Purchasing from Different Sites: The warning about purchasing the same products from different sites simultaneously is a tactic used by scam websites to prevent users from comparing their services with others.

General Lack of Transparency: The website lacks transparency in terms of verifiable customer reviews, detailed information about the company and its team, and evidence of the claimed high-quality services.

Overall, the website's content and business model exhibit numerous characteristics commonly associated with scam or untrustworthy platforms. It's crucial to exercise extreme caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with such services."

the reasons behind this review :
Guaranteed Real and Non-Drop Followers, Competitor Audits and Refund Guarantee, Testimonials and Trusted Clients, No Login Required and CC Payment, Flash Sales and Unrealistic Discounts, Claim of No Risk of Decrease, Claim of No Ban for Buying Followers, Claim of High-Quality Service, Claim of Sustainable Solution, Claim of Years of Experience, Claim of Refund and $250 Credit, Claim of No Fake Promises, Claim of No Password Requirement, Claim of Competing Businesses Buying Followers, Claim of Delivery Time and Daily Limits, Claim of 24/7 Support, Warning About Purchasing from Different Sites, General Lack of Transparency
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new