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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website claims to offer an automated trading robot for day trading, with a focus on the “oneliner” strategy. It’s important to note that the financial industry, especially when it comes to trading and investments, is rife with scams and fraudulent schemes. Here are several red flags and concerns based on the provided content:

1. **Overly Positive Reviews**: The website features extremely positive reviews, with a 4.97 out of 5 rating and 100% recommendation. Such uniformly positive feedback is highly unusual, as even the best products and services tend to have some negative or critical reviews.

2. **Unrealistic Profit Claims**: The website makes bold claims about the profitability of the trading robot, stating that it can generate significant profits regardless of market conditions. In the world of finance, especially with trading, promises of guaranteed profits are a major red flag.

3. **Use of Emotional Language**: The use of emotionally charged language, such as “erfolgreiches & automatisiertes daytrading” (successful & automated day trading) and “die vorteile der börse genießen” (enjoy the benefits of the stock market), is a common tactic in scam websites to appeal to people’s desires for financial success.

4. **Lack of Detailed Information**: While the website provides some general information about the trading robot and the “oneliner” strategy, it lacks in-depth, technical details. Legitimate financial products usually provide comprehensive information about their methodology and how they operate.

5. **Highly Technical Claims**: The website mentions the use of over 30 parameters that can be adjusted by the user. While this might be technically feasible, it’s uncommon for retail trading products to require such detailed parameter adjustments, especially for novice traders.

6. **Claims of High Success Rate**: The website states that the robot has a success rate of over 90% in the past 12 months. In the world of trading, especially with automated systems, such high and consistent success rates are extremely rare.

7. **Use of Jargon and Technical Language**: The website uses technical terms and jargon related to trading and finance. While this might seem professional, it can also be used to confuse or impress visitors, especially those who are not well-versed in financial markets.

8. **Disclaimers and Risk Warnings**: While the website does include some disclaimers about the risks of trading, they are often buried in the fine print and may not be given sufficient emphasis.

9. **Lack of Independent Verification**: The website does not provide independent, verifiable evidence of its claims. In the financial industry, especially with trading systems, independent verification of performance is crucial.

10. **Use of Personal Storytelling**: The website includes a personal story about the creator’s background in economics and music, which may be an attempt to build trust. However, personal stories can be manipulated and are not a substitute for verifiable evidence.

11. **Complexity of the Offer**: The website’s offer, with its talk of challenges, profit sharing, and the use of “demo money,” is unnecessarily complex. Legitimate financial products typically have straightforward and transparent pricing and usage models.

12. **Lack of Clear Information on the Company**: The website does not provide clear information about the company behind the trading robot, its location, or its regulatory status. Legitimate financial companies are usually transparent about these details.

13. **Use of Cookies and Tracking**: The website’s use of various tracking technologies, as indicated by the “cookiebot” and “deadline funnel” references, can be a privacy concern and is often associated with less reputable websites.

14. **Vague Language and Disclaimers**: The website’s use of vague language and disclaimers, such as “results are not guaranteed” and “trading involves inherent risks,” can be a way to protect themselves legally while still making bold claims.

15. **Lack of Clear Contact Information**: While the website provides an email address for support, there is no clear physical address or phone number, which is a common practice for less transparent or potentially fraudulent operations.

It’s important to approach any financial opportunity, especially those related to trading and investments, with extreme caution. Always conduct thorough research, seek independent advice, and be highly skeptical of any claims that seem too good to be true.”

the reasons behind this review :
Overly Positive Reviews, Unrealistic Profit Claims, Use of Emotional Language, Lack of Detailed Information, Highly Technical Claims, Claims of High Success Rate, Use of Jargon and Technical Language, Disclaimers and Risk Warnings, Lack of Independent Verification, Use of Personal Storytelling, Complexity of the Offer, Lack of Clear Information on the Company, Use of Cookies and Tracking, Vague Language and Disclaimers, Lack of Clear Contact Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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