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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content you provided raises several red flags that are commonly associated with cryptocurrency scams:

1. Lack of Credible Information: The website provides very little verifiable information about the company, its team, or its technology. The names mentioned, such as Jared Birchall and Elon Musk, are well-known, but their association with this specific project is not substantiated.

2. Unrealistic Claims: The website makes grandiose claims about creating a new dimension of communication between the mind and the environment, which is highly speculative and not supported by credible scientific evidence.

3. Use of Cryptocurrency: The promotion of a new digital token (BMI) and its use for payment in a specialized network (NB-IoT) is a common tactic in cryptocurrency scams. It's important to be cautious when dealing with new, unproven cryptocurrencies.

4. Lack of Technical Details: The website lacks detailed technical information about the neural interface technology, its development, and its potential applications. Legitimate projects in this field typically provide in-depth technical documentation.

5. High-Pressure Sales Tactics: The countdown timer for a presale and the emphasis on buying the BMI token can create a sense of urgency, which is a common tactic in investment scams.

6. Vague References to Clinical Trials: The mention of a "clinical trial" and the first human implant of Neuralink without providing verifiable details or links to reputable sources is a red flag.

7. Unsubstantiated Endorsements: The website includes references to tweets from Elon Musk and others, but these could be easily fabricated or taken out of context. It's important to verify such endorsements independently.

8. Limited Contact Information: The website provides only a phone number and social media links for contact, which is insufficient for a legitimate company, especially one making such ambitious claims.

9. Lack of Transparency: Legitimate projects in the field of neural interfaces and biotechnology are typically transparent about their research, development, and team members. The lack of detailed, verifiable information is concerning.

10. Overemphasis on Financial Aspects: The website places a strong emphasis on the financial aspects of the project, such as the use of the BMI token for payment, which is not typical for legitimate scientific or technological endeavors.

It's important to approach any investment or involvement with a project like this with extreme caution. Conduct thorough research, seek independent verification of claims, and be wary of high-pressure sales tactics or promises of extraordinary returns. If you're considering investing in a new cryptocurrency or technology, it's advisable to consult with financial and technical experts who can provide objective advice."

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Credible Information, Unrealistic Claims, Use of Cryptocurrency, Lack of Technical Details, High-Pressure Sales Tactics, Vague References to Clinical Trials, Unsubstantiated Endorsements, Limited Contact Information, Lack of Transparency, Overemphasis on Financial Aspects
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden