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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Lack of Credible Information: The website provides very little information about its services, such as who operates it, where it is based, or any customer reviews or testimonials. This lack of transparency is a red flag for potential scams.

2. Unusual Payment Model: The website offers access to private combos and databases for a fee, with different pricing tiers based on the duration of access. This kind of payment model is often associated with illegitimate or illegal activities.

3. High Cost: The prices listed on the website, such as $75.00/weekly or $150.00/monthly, are unusually high for the services being offered. Legitimate businesses typically provide more detailed pricing information and offer competitive rates.

4. Vague Service Descriptions: The website's descriptions of its services are vague and lack specific details about what customers can expect. Legitimate businesses usually provide clear and detailed information about their offerings.

5. Unprofessional Design: The website's design and layout appear unprofessional, with a lack of attention to detail and a generic or amateurish appearance. This can be a sign of a hastily created site, often associated with scams.

6. Lack of Contact Information: The website does not provide clear contact information, such as a physical address, phone number, or professional email address. Legitimate businesses typically make it easy for customers to get in touch.

7. Use of Telegram for Contact: The website's reliance on Telegram for contact, rather than more traditional and professional communication methods, is unusual and can be a red flag.

8. Unverifiable Claims: The website makes claims about the quality and exclusivity of its services, such as access to private combos and databases, without providing any verifiable evidence to support these claims.

9. Suspicious Domain Name: The domain name "" is unusual and does not appear to be associated with a legitimate or well-established business. Legitimate businesses typically use more professional and recognizable domain names.

10. Lack of SSL Certificate: While the website may have an SSL certificate, the information provided does not mention it. A legitimate business website should have a valid SSL certificate to ensure secure and encrypted connections.

Based on these factors, it is advisable to exercise caution and avoid engaging with the website It is always important to thoroughly research and verify the legitimacy of any online service before making any payments or providing personal information."

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Credible Information, Unusual Payment Model, High Cost, Vague Service Descriptions, Unprofessional Design, Lack of Contact Information, Use of Telegram for Contact, Unverifiable Claims, Suspicious Domain Name, Lack of SSL Certificate
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden