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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. is the official website of Municode, a company that provides codification software and services for municipalities. The website offers information about their services, including codification, recodification, supplementation, and republication services, as well as online code hosting. It also highlights their integrated solutions for governing, serving, and operating efficiently, such as their codification software’s ability to integrate with agenda and meeting management processes and websites. The site provides details about their online products, including features like land use & zoning solutions, a municipal law research tool, public document archival tool, and self-publishing software. It also emphasizes their high accuracy rate of over 99.99% and their extensive experience in the field, with over 70 years of operation. The website includes success stories and testimonials from various municipalities that have used Municode’s services, as well as information about their acquisition by CivicPlus in 2021. The site also offers resources for further information, such as fact sheets, blogs, webinars, and case studies. Additionally, it provides contact information for those interested in their services. Overall, the website serves as a platform for Municode to showcase its expertise and offerings in the field of codification software and services for municipalities.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official website of Municode, a company providing codification software and services for municipalities. Information about their services, including codification, recodification, supplementation, and republication services, as well as online code hosting. Details about their integrated solutions for governing, serving, and operating efficiently, such as their codification software's ability to integrate with agenda and meeting management processes and websites. Information about their online products, including features like land use & zoning solutions, a municipal law research tool, public document archival tool, and self-publishing software. Emphasis on their high accuracy rate of over 99.99% and their extensive experience in the field, with over 70 years of operation. Success stories and testimonials from various municipalities that have used Municode's services. Information about their acquisition by CivicPlus in 2021. Resources for further information, such as fact sheets, blogs, webinars, and case studies. Contact information for those interested in their services.
Positive Points
Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point