How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Here are the reasons:

1. Lack of Professionalism: The website’s design and content appear unprofessional. Legitimate movie websites usually have a polished and professional appearance, with high-quality images and well-organized content., on the other hand, has a cluttered layout and lacks the visual appeal expected from a reputable movie platform.

2. Suspicious Domain Age: The domain age of is only 2 months and 21 days. While this alone doesn’t confirm a scam, it’s a red flag when combined with other suspicious elements.

3. Generic Content: The website’s content is generic and lacks depth. Legitimate movie platforms typically provide in-depth information about movies, including detailed reviews, cast and crew details, and analysis., however, only offers basic information about movie releases without any substantial analysis or unique content.

4. Lack of User Engagement: There are no visible user reviews, comments, or any form of user engagement on the website. Legitimate movie platforms often encourage user interaction through comments, ratings, and reviews. The absence of such features on is unusual for a site claiming to be a movie hub.

5. Disclaimer and Contact Information: The disclaimer on the website is vague and doesn’t provide specific details about the organization or the individuals behind the platform. Additionally, the contact email address ( appears unprofessional and doesn’t match the domain name, which is another red flag.

6. Limited Information: The website lacks detailed information about its team, history, or mission. Legitimate platforms usually provide transparency about their background and the people involved in running the site. The absence of such information on is concerning.

7. Suspicious Links: The website contains links to external sites, and it’s unclear whether these are reputable sources. Scam websites often use such links to redirect users to malicious or untrustworthy sites.

8. Inconsistent Content: The website’s content appears inconsistent, with repetitive information and a lack of depth in its coverage of movie releases. Legitimate movie platforms strive for accuracy and comprehensive coverage, which seems to be lacking on

9. Lack of Social Proof: There is no evidence of the website’s popularity or credibility. Legitimate movie platforms often have a strong social media presence, user testimonials, and other forms of social proof. The absence of such evidence on is suspicious.

10. Unreliable Movie Releases: The website lists upcoming movie releases with specific dates, which is unusual for a platform that is not an official source for movie schedules. Legitimate movie websites typically provide general release windows and update them as official announcements are made by movie studios.

Based on these observations, it’s advisable to approach with caution and consider more established and reputable sources for movie-related information and entertainment.”

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Professionalism, Suspicious Domain Age, Generic Content, Lack of User Engagement, Disclaimer and Contact Information, Limited Information, Suspicious Links, Inconsistent Content, Lack of Social Proof, Unreliable Movie Releases
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new