How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low? is a website that hosts adult content, including videos and images. It is known for its large and diverse collection of user-uploaded material, covering a wide range of sexual preferences and fetishes. The site has been the subject of controversy and legal issues related to the nature of its content and concerns about illegal or non-consensual material being shared. It’s important to note that the content on is not suitable for all audiences, and individuals should exercise caution and discretion when accessing the site. has faced scrutiny and criticism for several reasons:

1. **User-Uploaded Content:** The site allows users to upload content, which can lead to a lack of control over the material being shared. This has raised concerns about the presence of illegal or non-consensual content.

2. **Legal Issues:** has been involved in legal battles related to copyright infringement and the hosting of explicit material. These legal challenges have contributed to its controversial reputation.

3. **Explicit and Diverse Content:** The site hosts a wide range of explicit material, including content that may be considered extreme or taboo. This has led to debates about the boundaries of acceptable content and the potential impact on users.

4. **Community and Comments:** The site features a community aspect, allowing users to interact and comment on content. This can lead to the sharing of explicit or inappropriate comments.

5. **Privacy and Security Concerns:** As with any site that hosts user-generated content, there are potential privacy and security risks for both uploaders and viewers.

It’s important for individuals to be aware of these issues and to approach sites like with caution. If you choose to visit the site, consider the following precautions:

– **Age Verification:** Ensure that you are of legal age to view adult content in your jurisdiction.
– **Privacy Settings:** Be mindful of your privacy and consider using a VPN or other privacy tools.
– **Consent and Boundaries:** Remember that not all content may be consensual or legal, and be prepared to encounter material that may be disturbing.
– **Legal Implications:** Understand the legal implications of accessing and sharing explicit material.
– **Support and Resources:** If you are troubled by any content you encounter, seek support from trusted sources.

Ultimately, the decision to visit or similar sites is a personal one, but it’s important to be well-informed and mindful of the potential risks and controversies associated with such platforms.”

the reasons behind this review :
User-Uploaded Content, Legal Issues, Explicit and Diverse Content, Community and Comments, Privacy and Security Concerns
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  Domain Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Low review rate by AI