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Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website you provided,, appears to be a subdomain of, and it redirects to This type of redirection can be a common tactic used by scammers to mask the actual domain and deceive users. It’s important to be cautious when encountering such redirects, especially if you were not expecting them.

Here are some reasons why this website might be considered suspicious:

1. Unusual Domain Structure: The domain “” has an unusual structure, with multiple subdomains. This can be a red flag, as scammers sometimes use complex domain names to confuse or deceive visitors.

2. Redirect to Tumblr: The fact that the website redirects to a Tumblr page may not necessarily indicate a scam, but it does raise questions about the purpose of the redirection. It’s important to verify the legitimacy of the Tumblr page and the content it hosts.

3. Lack of Detailed Information: The provided content about the website is quite generic and lacks specific details about the site’s purpose, ownership, or services. Legitimate websites typically provide clear and detailed information about themselves.

4. No Verifiable Contact Information: If the website does not provide verifiable contact information or if the contact information seems suspicious, it can be a sign of a potential scam.

5. Security and Safety Concerns: The mention of “security & safety” in the content, without providing specific details or certifications, can be a tactic used by scammers to create a false sense of security.

6. SEO Issues and Lack of Ranking: The content mentions that the website has SEO issues and no global ranking according to Alexa. While this alone does not confirm a scam, it can be a cause for concern, especially if the website claims to offer popular or widely used services.

7. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: Legitimate websites typically have clear and accessible privacy policies and terms of service. If these are missing or difficult to find, it can be a red flag.

Given these potential concerns, it’s advisable to approach this website with caution. If you intend to interact with the content or provide any personal information, consider conducting further research and verifying the legitimacy of the website and its associated services. Additionally, be cautious about clicking on any links or providing sensitive information on the site.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unusual Domain Structure, Redirect to Tumblr, Lack of Detailed Information, No Verifiable Contact Information, Security and Safety Concerns, SEO Issues and Lack of Ranking, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  No archive data but no major flags

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members
