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The website is the official site for the TV anime “Tejina Senpai” (帝乃さん), based on the manga series written and illustrated by Azu. The site provides information about the anime, including its production, staff, and cast. It also features promotional materials such as trailers and key visuals. The anime adaptation was produced by Liden Films and directed by Fumiaki Usui. The story revolves around a high school boy named Igarashi who becomes involved with a quirky and eccentric girl named Tejina, who is a member of the school’s magic club. The series explores their comedic interactions and Tejina’s attempts at performing magic tricks, often with humorous results. The site likely serves as a hub for fans of the manga and the anime to stay updated on news and developments related to the series. As it is the official site, it should be a reliable source of information about the “Tejina Senpai” anime.”

the reasons behind this review :
Official site for the "Tejina Senpai" anime, Provides information about the anime's production, staff, and cast, Features promotional materials such as trailers and key visuals, Likely serves as a hub for fans to stay updated on news and developments related to the series, Produced by Liden Films and directed by Fumiaki Usui, Story revolves around a high school boy named Igarashi and a quirky girl named Tejina, who is a member of the school's magic club, Explores comedic interactions and Tejina's attempts at performing magic tricks, Likely a reliable source of information about the "Tejina Senpai" anime.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain is new