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Why is the trust score of low?

The website appears to be a personal site for a web designer, Alexey Kilingauzen, showcasing his work and services. The content is in Russian and seems to focus on web design and related services. There’s a mention of Tilda, which could be a website builder platform. The site also includes keywords related to web design, such as “landing,” “online store,” and “corporate site.” The description mentions “speed gates for car washes,” which seems unrelated to web design, so it’s possible that the site’s content is not fully coherent or may have been compromised. The site also includes a phone number and a call-to-action for getting a cost estimate for PVC gates. The content seems to be a mix of web design-related keywords and information about PVC gates, which is unusual and could be a sign of a compromised or unfinished website. The site’s purpose and focus are not clear from the content, and it’s advisable to exercise caution when interacting with it. The site’s content and purpose are not immediately clear, and the mix of web design-related keywords and information about PVC gates is unusual. It’s possible that the site is still under construction or has been compromised. The presence of a phone number and a call-to-action for getting a cost estimate for PVC gates is unexpected for a web design site. The lack of clear and coherent information about the site’s purpose and services is a red flag. The site’s content and structure do not inspire confidence in its professionalism or legitimacy. It’s advisable to exercise caution when interacting with this site, especially if considering any business or service engagement.”

the reasons behind this review :
Mix of unrelated content, Unusual focus on PVC gates, Incoherent or compromised content, Lack of clear information about services, Unexpected call-to-action for PVC gate cost estimate, Unprofessional or incomplete site structure, Lack of clear purpose or focus
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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