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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. 株式会社メディアウォーズ (Media Wars Co., Ltd.) is a Japanese company that provides a range of IT infrastructure services, including cloud solutions, server hosting, and internet connectivity. The company has been in operation for over 20 years and has a strong focus on server management and monitoring. They offer services such as AWS deployment, server diagnostics, email and web issue investigations, dedicated and managed servers, shared hosting, website tampering detection, housing (providing dedicated space for equipment), and internet connection services. The company has two main offices, one in Kyoto and one in Tokyo. They also provide contact information for inquiries and support.

株式会社メディアウォーズ (Media Wars Co., Ltd.) is a legitimate company offering IT infrastructure services. The information provided on their website aligns with the typical offerings of a company in this industry. The fact that they have been in operation for over 20 years and have physical office locations in Kyoto and Tokyo adds to their credibility. Additionally, the website provides contact information for inquiries and support, which is a good sign of a legitimate business.

The website also mentions their experience in server management and monitoring, which is consistent with the services they offer. They highlight their expertise in AWS deployment, which is a popular and widely used cloud platform. The inclusion of specific services such as server diagnostics, email and web issue investigations, and website tampering detection further supports the legitimacy of their offerings.

The website design is professional and provides clear and detailed information about the company and its services. The presence of a privacy policy and information security policy is also a positive sign, as it demonstrates a commitment to data protection and security.

Overall, based on the information available, 株式会社メディアウォーズ (Media Wars Co., Ltd.) appears to be a legitimate company offering IT infrastructure services. However, as with any business, it’s always a good idea to conduct further research and, if possible, seek out reviews or testimonials from other customers to ensure a positive reputation.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long-standing operation, Physical office locations, Range of IT infrastructure services, Expertise in server management and monitoring, Specific services offered align with industry standards, Professional website design, Clear and detailed information provided, Privacy policy and information security policy, Commitment to data protection and security
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Whois data is hidden