How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very high? appears to be a website dedicated to providing resources and information for the popular game Minecraft, specifically the Pocket Edition (PE) version. The site offers a variety of content related to Minecraft PE, including mods, maps, skins, and guides. It also provides access to different versions of the Minecraft PE APK for download. The site seems to be focused on serving the Minecraft PE community by offering a platform for sharing and accessing user-generated content and resources.

The site’s content is organized into several categories:

Mods: These are modifications or add-ons that can be integrated into the game to introduce new features, mechanics, or visual elements.
Maps: Custom maps created by users for unique gameplay experiences.
Textures: Different texture packs that can alter the visual appearance of the game.
Minecraft PE Versions: Access to various versions of the Minecraft PE APK for Android and iOS devices.
Each category contains specific items with their release dates and ratings, providing users with a way to discover and download content for their Minecraft PE gameplay.

The site also includes information about the different updates and versions of Minecraft PE, allowing users to stay informed about the latest developments in the game. It’s worth noting that the site mentions that all content belongs to Mojang Studios, the developer of Minecraft, which suggests a commitment to respecting intellectual property rights.

Overall, seems to be a legitimate and useful resource for the Minecraft PE community, providing a platform for sharing and accessing user-generated content, as well as staying updated on the latest versions and developments in the game. However, as with any site offering user-generated content, it’s important for users to exercise caution and ensure they are downloading from trusted sources to avoid potential security risks or unauthorized modifications to their game.”

the reasons behind this review :
Dedicated to providing resources and information for the popular game Minecraft, specifically the Pocket Edition (PE) version. Offers a variety of content related to Minecraft PE, including mods, maps, skins, and guides. Provides access to different versions of the Minecraft PE APK for download. Focused on serving the Minecraft PE community by offering a platform for sharing and accessing user-generated content and resources. Content is organized into several categories: Mods, Maps, Textures, and Minecraft PE Versions. Each category contains specific items with their release dates and ratings, providing users with a way to discover and download content for their Minecraft PE gameplay. Includes information about the different updates and versions of Minecraft PE, allowing users to stay informed about the latest developments in the game. Mentions that all content belongs to Mojang Studios, the developer of Minecraft, which suggests a commitment to respecting intellectual property rights. Legitimate and useful resource for the Minecraft PE community, providing a platform for sharing and accessing user-generated content, as well as staying updated on the latest versions and developments in the game. Users should exercise caution and ensure they are downloading from trusted sources to avoid potential security risks or unauthorized modifications to their game.
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Domain is new