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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website appears to be a scam. Several red flags indicate this:

1. Domain Age: The domain is relatively new, only 8 months and 5 days old. Scammers often create new domains to avoid being flagged.

2. Domain Whois: The domain's whois information is hidden. Legitimate businesses typically provide transparent whois information.

3. SSL Certificate: While the website has an SSL certificate, it's issued by Google Trust Services, which is unusual for an e-commerce site. The type of certificate is DV (Domain Validated), which is the most basic level and doesn't provide strong assurance of the website's legitimacy.

4. Content: The website's content is generic and lacks detailed information about the company, its history, or its physical address. Legitimate businesses usually provide this information to build trust with customers.

5. Product Range: The website offers a wide range of popular and high-demand products, including sneakers and other fashion items. Scammers often use these types of products to lure in customers.

6. Pricing: If the prices seem too good to be true, it's a major red flag. Scammers often lure in victims with unrealistically low prices.

7. Lack of Reviews: A lack of customer reviews or testimonials, especially on independent review platforms, is suspicious. Legitimate businesses usually have a track record of customer feedback.

8. Payment Methods: Be cautious if the website only accepts less secure payment methods or if it asks for unusual payment arrangements.

9. Contact Information: Check if the website provides a physical address, phone number, and other legitimate contact information. Scammers often avoid providing this information.

10. Trust Seals: Look for trust seals from reputable organizations. Their absence or the presence of unfamiliar or non-clickable trust seals is a red flag.

11. Check for a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service: Legitimate websites have clear policies on how they handle customer data and their terms of service. If these are missing or seem vague, it's a concern.

12. Use a Safe Payment Method: If you do decide to make a purchase, use a secure payment method like a credit card. This can offer you some protection in case of fraud.

It's important to be cautious when dealing with unfamiliar online stores, especially if the signs mentioned above are present. If you're unsure about a website's legitimacy, consider doing more research or seeking advice from trusted sources before making a purchase."

the reasons behind this review :
Domain Age, Domain Whois, SSL Certificate, Content, Product Range, Pricing, Lack of Reviews, Payment Methods, Contact Information, Trust Seals, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, Safe Payment Method
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

  Domain does not rank within the top 1M on the Tranco list.