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Why is the trust score of low?

The website appears to be an online shop specializing in matcha green tea products. The site offers a variety of matcha options, including different types and brands, as well as related products like tea powder for confectionery. The content suggests a focus on high-quality, authentic Japanese matcha.

Here are some key points based on the content:

Product Range: The website showcases a wide range of matcha products, including various types from different regions in Japan. This demonstrates a commitment to offering customers a diverse selection to choose from.

Quality Emphasis: The descriptions of the matcha products often include details about their taste, aroma, and recommended uses. This emphasis on quality and flavor can be appealing to consumers looking for premium matcha.

Cultural Context: The site mentions the use of matcha in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, which provides cultural context and could be of interest to those seeking an authentic experience.

Customer Engagement: The inclusion of customer reviews and an invitation to follow the shop on Instagram suggests a focus on engaging with and building a community of matcha enthusiasts.

Holiday Notice: The site includes a notice about a holiday closure, which is a good practice for transparency and managing customer expectations.

Contact Information: Clear contact details, including an email address and phone number, are provided, which is important for customer trust and support.

Privacy Policy: The presence of a privacy policy is a positive sign for data protection and compliance with privacy regulations.

Newsletter Subscription: Offering a newsletter with a discount for first-time subscribers is a common marketing tactic and can help in building a customer base.

E-commerce Platform: The site appears to be hosted on the Shopify platform, which is a popular choice for e-commerce businesses and provides a secure and reliable infrastructure for online stores.

Overall, based on the content and features observed, the website seems to be a legitimate and specialized online shop for matcha products, with a focus on quality, authenticity, and customer engagement.”

the reasons behind this review :
Wide range of matcha products, Emphasis on quality and flavor, Cultural context of matcha in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony, Inclusion of customer reviews and social media engagement, Holiday closure notice for transparency, Clear contact information provided, Presence of a privacy policy, Newsletter subscription with discount for first-time subscribers, Hosted on the Shopify e-commerce platform
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden

How much trust do people have in


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