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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Macquarie Group Limited is a global financial services company that provides clients with asset management, finance, banking, advisory, and risk and capital solutions across debt, equity, and commodities. The company has a significant presence in various markets and has a large number of employees globally. It manages a substantial amount of assets and has a long history of profitability. Macquarie is involved in various initiatives, including supporting the growth of renewable energy platforms, delivering modern public services, and making employment-focused grants to nonprofit organizations. The company’s CEO, Shemara Wikramanayake, emphasizes the importance of empowering people to innovate and invest for a better future. Macquarie encourages its employees to identify unmet community needs and use their expertise to find long-term solutions. The company also provides information about its leadership, career opportunities, and recent articles featuring its employees. It has a disclaimer stating that the information provided is a general description of the Macquarie Group and advises individuals to consider the appropriateness of the information in relation to their specific objectives, financial situation, and needs. Macquarie also emphasizes the importance of seeking advice before acting on any information. The website includes a notice about fraudulent use of Macquarie’s name to solicit payments from investors and provides contact information for reporting such incidents. It also includes links to important information, disclosures, privacy and cookies policy, and options for managing cookie settings. The website uses cookies to enable basic functions and services, with the ability for users to manage their cookie preferences. Overall, the website provides comprehensive information about Macquarie Group’s operations, values, and initiatives, and it is a legitimate platform for individuals interested in learning about the company’s financial services and related activities.”

the reasons behind this review :
Diversified financial services, Global presence, Asset management, Finance, Banking, Advisory, Risk and capital solutions, Debt, Equity, Commodities, Long history of profitability, Significant presence in various markets, Large number of employees globally, Management of substantial assets, Involvement in supporting renewable energy platforms, Delivery of modern public services, Making employment-focused grants to nonprofit organizations, Emphasis on empowering people to innovate and invest for a better future, Encouragement of employees to identify unmet community needs and find long-term solutions, Information about leadership, career opportunities, and recent articles featuring employees, Disclaimer about the general nature of the information provided, Advice for individuals to consider the appropriateness of the information in relation to their specific objectives, financial situation, and needs, Emphasis on seeking advice before acting on any information, Notice about fraudulent use of Macquarie's name to solicit payments from investors, Contact information for reporting fraudulent incidents, Links to important information, disclosures, privacy and cookies policy, and options for managing cookie settings, Use of cookies to enable basic functions and services, Ability for users to manage their cookie preferences, Comprehensive information about Macquarie Group's operations, values, and initiatives, Legitimate platform for individuals interested in learning about the company's financial services and related activities
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point