How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content provided is an XML error message, indicating that the page is not accessible. The domain age is unknown, and the domain whois information is hidden. The SSL certificate is issued by Amazon, and the server information points to Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFront. The website has not been indexed by the Tranco ranking, and the Internet Archive Wayback Machine shows that the site has been active for 1994 days. The server is located in Kansas City, Missouri, and is associated with, Inc.

Based on the limited information provided, it’s not possible to determine the legitimacy or safety of the website. However, several factors raise potential concerns:

1. **Limited Information**: The XML error message and lack of accessible content suggest that the website may not be functioning properly or may have restricted access.

2. **Hidden Domain Whois Information**: When domain whois information is hidden, it can be a red flag, as legitimate websites typically have transparent ownership details.

3. **SSL Certificate from Amazon**: While the SSL certificate is issued by Amazon, it’s important to verify that it is valid and properly configured for the specific website.

4. **Server Location and Hosting**: The use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) CloudFront for hosting is common, but it’s essential to ensure that the website is using these services legitimately.

5. **Limited Tranco Ranking and Archive Age**: The absence of a Tranco ranking and the relatively long period of activity (1994 days) without being indexed in the Internet Archive could be a cause for caution.

Given these factors, it’s advisable to exercise caution when interacting with this website. If you have specific concerns or need to verify the legitimacy of the site, consider reaching out to the website owner or conducting further research with the help of a professional web security expert.”

the reasons behind this review :
Limited Information, Hidden Domain Whois Information, SSL Certificate from Amazon, Server Location and Hosting, Limited Tranco Ranking and Archive Age
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden