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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content is a mix of generic logistics industry information and some red flags typical of scam websites. Here are some reasons for concern:

1. Lack of Specificity: The website uses generic language and doesn't provide detailed information about the company's history, leadership, or specific projects.

2. Overemphasis on Global Presence: While it's common for logistics companies to have a global presence, the website's repeated emphasis on this point without substantial evidence or case studies is a red flag.

3. Unrealistic Claims: Phrases like "making the impossible possible" and "100% on-time delivery" are common in scam websites. In the real world, logistics involves complexities and uncertainties that make such guarantees impossible.

4. Lack of Verifiable Contact Information: The website provides an email address and phone number, but there's no physical address or information about the company's registration or accreditation.

5. Limited Online Presence: A legitimate logistics company, especially one claiming a global footprint, would have a more substantial online presence, including customer reviews, industry partnerships, and press coverage.

6. Unsubstantiated Claims of Experience: While the website mentions over 40 years of experience, there's no evidence or details to support this claim.

7. Vague Social Responsibility Claims: The mention of corporate social responsibility without specific initiatives or partnerships is another red flag.

8. No Specific Case Studies or Testimonials: Legitimate logistics companies often showcase their successful projects and client testimonials. The absence of these details is suspicious.

9. High-Level Services with No Specifics: The website lists a wide range of services, but there are no specific case studies, industry expertise, or detailed information about how these services are delivered.

10. Copyright Date Discrepancy: The copyright date of 2003-2023 seems unrealistic for a domain registered only three months ago.

11. Lack of Security and Trust Seals: The website doesn't display any security or trust seals, which are common on legitimate logistics websites.

12. No Information on Compliance and Regulations: Logistics, especially in international operations, involves strict compliance and regulations. The website doesn't provide any information on this.

13. No Information on Technology and Innovation: The logistics industry is heavily reliant on technology and innovation. The website lacks any specific information in this area.

14. No Information on Industry Partnerships: Legitimate logistics companies often have partnerships with other industry players. The absence of such information is a red flag.

15. No Information on Employee Training and Expertise: Logistics companies invest in employee training and expertise. The website doesn't provide any details in this regard.

16. No Information on Quality Control and Risk Management: These are critical aspects of logistics, and the absence of detailed information is concerning.

It's important to note that these are potential red flags, and the website should be further investigated before making any conclusions. If you're considering engaging with this company, it's advisable to conduct thorough due diligence, including verifying their physical address, checking for industry certifications, and seeking independent reviews or references from other clients."

the reasons behind this review :
Lack of Specificity, Overemphasis on Global Presence, Unrealistic Claims, Lack of Verifiable Contact Information, Limited Online Presence, Unsubstantiated Claims of Experience, Vague Social Responsibility Claims, No Specific Case Studies or Testimonials, High-Level Services with No Specifics, Copyright Date Discrepancy, Lack of Security and Trust Seals, No Information on Compliance and Regulations, No Information on Technology and Innovation, No Information on Industry Partnerships, No Information on Employee Training and Expertise, No Information on Quality Control and Risk Management
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden