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How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The content provided is a classic example of a scam website. Here are the reasons:

1. **Unrealistic Rewards**: The website promises significant rewards for simple actions like watching videos and inviting friends. This is a common tactic used by scam websites to lure users.
2. **Vague Business Model**: There is no clear explanation of how the website generates revenue or sustains such high rewards. Legitimate platforms usually have transparent business models.
3. **Excessive Personal Information**: The website collects a large amount of personal information, including email addresses. This can be a red flag for potential misuse of data.
4. **Too Good to Be True**: The overall tone and promises made by the website are too good to be true. Legitimate platforms are more conservative in their claims.
5. **No Verifiable Information**: There is no verifiable information about the company or organization behind the website. Legitimate platforms usually provide clear details about their operations.
6. **High Coin Rewards**: The website offers high coin rewards for inviting friends, which is a common tactic in pyramid schemes.
7. **Frequent Use of “Congratulations”**: The excessive use of “Congratulations” in the content is a psychological tactic to make users feel special and encourage further engagement.
8. **No Clear Product or Service**: The website does not clearly explain what product or service it offers, which is unusual for a legitimate platform.
9. **No Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy**: Legitimate websites usually have clear terms and conditions and privacy policies to protect users’ rights and data.
10. **No Contact Information**: The lack of clear contact information is a red flag. Legitimate platforms usually provide multiple ways to contact them.

In conclusion, the website exhibits several characteristics of a scam, including unrealistic rewards, vague business model, excessive data collection, and lack of verifiable information. It is advisable to avoid engaging with such websites and to be cautious of similar platforms making extravagant promises.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Rewards, Vague Business Model, Excessive Personal Information, Too Good to Be True, No Verifiable Information, High Coin Rewards, Frequent Use of "Congratulations", No Clear Product or Service, No Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, No Contact Information
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden