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Total 0 reviews

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Why is the trust score of very low?

The website content and the services it offers raise several red flags:

1. Guaranteed Keyword Ranking: It's highly suspicious to guarantee a top ranking for any keyword, especially in app stores where rankings are influenced by complex algorithms and user behavior. Legitimate app promotion services can't guarantee specific rankings.

2. High Number of Installs and Users: The website boasts of a large number of users and installs, which is unrealistic for a relatively unknown service. It's common for scam services to inflate their statistics to appear more legitimate.

3. Offering 4/5 Star Ratings and Reviews: Providing high ratings and reviews is against the policies of app stores like Google Play and the Apple App Store. It's also unethical and can lead to the suspension of the app.

4. Free Installs and Start-Up Bonus: Offering free installs and start-up bonuses is a tactic often used by scam services to lure in users. Legitimate app promotion services typically don't rely on such tactics.

5. Vague Information on User Base and Delivery: The website mentions a large user base and successful delivery of installs, but there's no verifiable information or customer testimonials to support these claims.

6. Unrealistic Promises of Success: The website repeatedly emphasizes the idea that buying installs will lead to app success, which is misleading. App success depends on various factors, including the quality and usefulness of the app itself.

7. Lack of Transparency on Methods: There's no clear explanation of how the installs are generated or the methods used to ensure the app's success. Legitimate app promotion services are transparent about their methods.

8. Focus on Quantity Over Quality: The emphasis on high numbers of installs and users, rather than the quality of engagement and genuine user interest, is a common tactic used by scam services.

9. Overly Simplistic Process: The website presents the process of buying installs as extremely simple and guaranteed, which is not the case in the complex and competitive world of app promotion.

10. Encouraging Imitation of Competitors: The suggestion to buy installs like competitors do is unethical and can lead to negative consequences for the app and its reputation.

Based on these points, the website appears to be a scam. It's important to be cautious when considering any service that promises guaranteed success in the highly competitive and regulated app market. It's advisable to rely on legitimate and transparent app promotion strategies, such as organic marketing, user engagement, and ethical advertising, to promote an app."

the reasons behind this review :
Guaranteed Keyword Ranking, High Number of Installs and Users, Offering 4/5 Star Ratings and Reviews, Free Installs and Start-Up Bonus, Vague Information on User Base and Delivery, Unrealistic Promises of Success, Lack of Transparency on Methods, Focus on Quantity Over Quality, Overly Simplistic Process, Encouraging Imitation of Competitors
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Low review rate by AI

  Whois data is hidden