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Why is the trust score of very high?

Kalleh is a well-established and reputable brand in Iran, known for its focus on improving the quality of food products for the Iranian people. The company was founded in 1999 and has since gained recognition for its efforts in enhancing the food basket of the nation. Kalleh’s commitment to quality and innovation has positioned it as a leading brand in the food industry, both domestically and internationally. The company’s dedication to excellence has been acknowledged by Euro Monitor, ranking it as the 48th largest food industry globally. Additionally, Kalleh has been recognized as a popular and top brand, and for seven consecutive years, it has been the sole exporter of sample products in the dairy sector in Iran. This level of recognition and achievement speaks to the company’s credibility and success in the food industry. Kalleh’s product range includes a variety of dairy products, such as cream, cheese, and butter, as well as other food items like sauces and ice cream. The diverse product line reflects the company’s commitment to providing high-quality and diverse food options to consumers. Kalleh’s emphasis on health and well-being is evident in its product offerings, which include items like low-fat milk and health-oriented dairy products. This aligns with the global trend of promoting healthier food choices and catering to the evolving preferences of consumers. The company’s dedication to meeting the needs of health-conscious consumers further enhances its reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking food brand. Kalleh’s extensive product range and its focus on quality and innovation position it as a trusted and reliable food brand in Iran. The company’s long-standing presence in the market, coupled with its achievements and recognition, underscores its status as a reputable and safe option for consumers seeking high-quality food products. Kalleh’s commitment to excellence, as evidenced by its global rankings and export achievements, further solidifies its position as a leading and trustworthy brand in the food industry.”

the reasons behind this review :
Long-standing presence in the market, Recognition by Euro Monitor, High global ranking in the food industry, Sole exporter of sample products in the dairy sector in Iran, Diverse and high-quality product range, Emphasis on health-oriented products, Commitment to meeting the needs of health-conscious consumers, Dedication to quality and innovation, Reputable and safe option for consumers, Commitment to excellence and global recognition.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain Age is quite old

  Archive Age is quite old

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

No Negative Point

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