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Why is the trust score of very high? redirected to https// during the time we crawled it. Kai & Karo is a car dealership website based in Kenya, offering both new and used vehicles, as well as spare parts and vehicle accessories. The site provides a platform for individuals to buy and sell cars, with a focus on safety and convenience. It features a wide range of vehicle brands and models, along with detailed descriptions and pricing information. Users can search for specific vehicles, filter results by brand, model, year of manufacture, and price range, and even explore a section dedicated to motorbikes. Each listed vehicle includes key details such as engine capacity, transmission type, and whether it’s Kenyan used or foreign used. The site also allows users to sell their cars on behalf of the dealership, with a simple three-step process of selecting the vehicle, making an enquiry, and completing the payment. The company has multiple physical locations in Kenya, including Kiambu Road, Westlands, and Diamond Plaza II. Contact information for each location is provided, along with links to the company’s social media profiles on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. The site also includes a support section with frequently asked questions and terms of service. Overall, Kai & Karo aims to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for buying and selling vehicles in Kenya, with a focus on safety, convenience, and a diverse range of options.”

the reasons behind this review :
Car dealership website based in Kenya, offering both new and used vehicles, as well as spare parts and vehicle accessories. The site provides a platform for individuals to buy and sell cars, with a focus on safety and convenience. It features a wide range of vehicle brands and models, along with detailed descriptions and pricing information. Users can search for specific vehicles, filter results by brand, model, year of manufacture, and price range, and even explore a section dedicated to motorbikes. Each listed vehicle includes key details such as engine capacity, transmission type, and whether it's Kenyan used or foreign used. The site also allows users to sell their cars on behalf of the dealership, with a simple three-step process of selecting the vehicle, making an enquiry, and completing the payment. The company has multiple physical locations in Kenya, including Kiambu Road, Westlands, and Diamond Plaza II. Contact information for each location is provided, along with links to the company's social media profiles on Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram. The site also includes a support section with frequently asked questions and terms of service. Overall, Kai & Karo aims to provide a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for buying and selling vehicles in Kenya, with a focus on safety, convenience, and a diverse range of options.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  No suspicious patterns detected

  Whois data is accessible

  Domain ranks within the top 1M on the Tranco list

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

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