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Why is the trust score of low?

Kagurabachi Wiki is a part of the Fandom platform, which hosts a wide range of fan-created wikis for various topics, including anime, manga, movies, TV shows, and more. Fandom provides a platform for fans to collaborate and create detailed, community-driven content about their favorite subjects. The Kagurabachi Wiki specifically focuses on the Japanese manga series ‘Kagurabachi’ by Takeru Hokazono. It allows fans to contribute information, discuss the series, and build a comprehensive resource for other fans and newcomers to the series.

The wiki contains information about the series’ synopsis, characters, upcoming releases, and other related content. It also encourages users to contribute by creating or editing articles. The wiki’s content is likely to be fan-generated and may not always reflect official information, so it’s important for users to verify details from official sources.

As a part of Fandom, the Kagurabachi Wiki is subject to Fandom’s terms of use and community guidelines. These guidelines are designed to ensure a positive and respectful environment for all users. It’s common for Fandom wikis to have active communities that work together to maintain and improve the quality of the content.

If you’re a fan of the ‘Kagurabachi’ manga series, the Kagurabachi Wiki can be a valuable resource for exploring and discussing the series with other fans. Just remember to approach the information with the understanding that it’s community-generated and may not always be official or complete.”

the reasons behind this review :
Community-driven content, Detailed information about the 'Kagurabachi' manga series, Platform for fans to collaborate and contribute, Encourages user contributions and editing, Part of the Fandom platform, Subject to Fandom's terms of use and community guidelines, May contain fan-generated content, Active communities on Fandom wikis, Valuable resource for fans of the 'Kagurabachi' series, Information should be verified from official sources
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden