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JSON Joy is a website that provides a toolchain for building collaborative apps on top of a conflict-free JSON data model. It offers a variety of resources and tools for developers, including a playground, libraries, and specifications. The site also allows users to sign up for updates. Some of the specific features and resources available on JSON Joy include:

JSON CRDT Explorer: This tool allows users to view and edit JSON CRDT files, as well as introspect internal data structures and import/export full history logs.

JSON Joy JavaScript: A JavaScript library for working with JSON data and building collaborative apps.

JSON CRDT Traces: Tools for tracking and managing changes to JSON CRDT data.

JSON CRDT Patch: Resources for working with patches to JSON CRDT data.

JSON Reactive RPC: A protocol for reactive remote procedure calls using JSON data.

JSON Expression: Tools for working with expressions and calculations on JSON data.

Compact JSON Scheme: A specification for a compact representation of JSON data.

Open Source Libraries: JSON Joy provides a number of open source libraries for working with JSON data and building collaborative apps.

Formal Protocols and Standards: The site supports formal protocols and standards related to JSON data and collaborative app development.

Blog: JSON Joy features a blog with articles and updates related to JSON data, CRDT, and collaborative app development.

Specifications: The site includes specifications and documentation for working with JSON data and related technologies.

Branding: Information about JSON Joy’s branding and related resources.

GitHub and Substack: Links to JSON Joy’s GitHub repository and Substack for additional resources and updates.

Overall, JSON Joy appears to be a valuable resource for developers working with JSON data and building collaborative apps. The site offers a range of tools, libraries, and specifications, as well as updates and a blog to keep users informed about the latest developments in this field.”

the reasons behind this review :
The website provides a toolchain for building collaborative apps on top of a conflict-free JSON data model. It offers a variety of resources and tools for developers, including a playground, libraries, and specifications. The site also allows users to sign up for updates. Some of the specific features and resources available on JSON Joy include:

JSON CRDT Explorer: This tool allows users to view and edit JSON CRDT files, as well as introspect internal data structures and import/export full history logs.

JSON Joy JavaScript: A JavaScript library for working with JSON data and building collaborative apps.

JSON CRDT Traces: Tools for tracking and managing changes to JSON CRDT data.

JSON CRDT Patch: Resources for working with patches to JSON CRDT data.

JSON Reactive RPC: A protocol for reactive remote procedure calls using JSON data.

JSON Expression: Tools for working with expressions and calculations on JSON data.

Compact JSON Scheme: A specification for a compact representation of JSON data.

Open Source Libraries: JSON Joy provides a number of open source libraries for working with JSON data and building collaborative apps.

Formal Protocols and Standards: The site supports formal protocols and standards related to JSON data and collaborative app development.

Blog: JSON Joy features a blog with articles and updates related to JSON data, CRDT, and collaborative app development.

Specifications: The site includes specifications and documentation for working with JSON data and related technologies.

Branding: Information about JSON Joy's branding and related resources.

GitHub and Substack: Links to JSON Joy's GitHub repository and Substack for additional resources and updates.

Overall, JSON Joy appears to be a valuable resource for developers working with JSON data and building collaborative apps. The site offers a range of tools, libraries, and specifications, as well as updates and a blog to keep users informed about the latest developments in this field.
Positive PointsNegative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  High review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Archive is new

  Whois data is hidden

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