How much trust do people have in


Total 0 reviews

All reviews are from registered members


Why is the trust score of strongly low?

The website content contains several red flags that are commonly associated with scam or fraudulent investment schemes:

1. Unrealistic Returns: The website promises extremely high returns on investment, which is a common tactic used by investment scams to lure in victims. For example, offering a 40% return after 4 days on a minimum investment of $10,000 is highly unrealistic and not sustainable in legitimate financial markets.

2. Lack of Detailed Information: While the website provides general information about the company and its investment process, it lacks specific details about how the investments are managed, the technology used, and the track record of success. Legitimate investment companies typically provide transparent and detailed information about their operations.

3. Vague Investment Strategies: The website mentions using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence for investment management, but it does not provide clear explanations of how these technologies are utilized or how they contribute to the promised returns.

4. High Pressure Sales Tactics: The website uses persuasive language to encourage visitors to invest quickly, such as emphasizing the limited time for certain investment plans and offering referral bonuses. This can be a tactic to pressure individuals into making hasty and uninformed investment decisions.

5. Lack of Regulatory Information: Legitimate investment companies are usually registered with relevant financial regulatory authorities and provide information about their regulatory status. The website does not mention any regulatory oversight or provide details about compliance with financial regulations.

6. Testimonials and Social Proof: The website includes testimonials from supposed investors, but these can be fabricated or misleading. It’s important to verify the authenticity of such testimonials, especially if they are overly positive and lack specific details.

7. High Minimum Investment Amounts: The minimum investment amounts for the various plans are quite high, especially for the promised returns. This can be a tactic to attract larger sums of money from unsuspecting investors.

8. Lack of Risk Disclosure: Legitimate investment platforms always provide clear information about the risks involved in investing, including the potential for loss. The website does not emphasize the risks associated with high-return investments.

9. Limited Contact Information: The website may have limited or vague contact information, making it difficult for potential investors to reach out with questions or concerns. Legitimate companies typically provide multiple channels for communication.

10. Domain Age: The fact that the domain is relatively new (8 months and 13 days) is not necessarily a definitive indicator of a scam, but it is a common characteristic of fraudulent websites. Scammers often create new websites to avoid detection and to appear as if they are established businesses.

It’s important to approach any investment opportunity with caution and to conduct thorough research before committing any funds. If you encounter a website or investment offer that exhibits these red flags, it’s advisable to seek advice from financial professionals or regulatory authorities before proceeding.”

the reasons behind this review :
Unrealistic Returns, Lack of Detailed Information, Vague Investment Strategies, High Pressure Sales Tactics, Lack of Regulatory Information, Testimonials and Social Proof, High Minimum Investment Amounts, Lack of Risk Disclosure, Limited Contact Information, Domain Age
Positive Points Negative Points

  Website content is accessible

  No spelling or grammatical errors in site content

  Low review rate by AI

  Domain is new

  Whois data is hidden